Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/660

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��Popular Science Monthly

��A Merry- Go- Round with Which Ger- man Soldiers Amused Themselves

AROUND the world in forty days," is „ part of the legend which appears over a ramshackle merry-go-round made by the Germans on French soil. For all we know, this may have been the Ger- man slogan at the beginning of the war. The merry-go-round is now in the possession of the French.

Two cast-off wheels with the axle form the main part of the makeshift affair. The elaborate structure on top is a giant spoked

wheel placed French Offioial Photo

,1 i- A German merry-go-round made out of odds and

over the oral- ends on F renc h territory and later abandoned

nary wagon

wheel. The seats are suspended by wire — rope being as scarce as copper.

���Keep Livestock Away from Railroad Tracks and Conserve the Meat Supply

DURING the twelve months ending June 30, 1917, the Southern Rail- way system alone paid out more than $200,000 in judgments to farmers for animals killed on the railroad's right of way. President Harrison, of that system, points out that if the farmers would prevent their animals from straying over the tracks they would help solve the war problems. In the first place, the animals killed are a total loss as far as the food supply is concerned. Then, the sum paid by the railroad in recompense even at the present prices of equipment, would buy more than one hundred standard box cars capable of handling at a single load more than 3,000 tons of freight, thus tending to relieve the freight congestion. Here, then, is a chance not only for the chuck- ling farmer but for the comic artist and the jokester to relinquish a source of income for patriotism.

��The Suitcase Talking- Machine. Take It Along on Your Travels

WHAT to do with the talking-machine when you leave the city for the summer has been solved by Arthur Stech- bart, of Chicago, Illinois. Like the dog, the cat, the pet parrot and your wife's new hats, you take it along with the rest of the hand bag- gage. Being a portable ma- chine in the shape of a small suitcase, it can be carried from place to place without injur- ing the mechan- ism or destroy- ing the records, which do not have to be car- ried separately but are packed away within the machine itself.

Brass knobs protect the corners and add to the suitcase appearance of the closed machine. The handle of strong padded leather is placed just exactly as it would be on a. regulation suitcase. But the interior is exactly like that of the small-sized talking machines. The record chamber is on the under side of the hinged cover of the machine casing. A recess is cut into the top board of the casing to hold the needles and needle-carrier.

���The talking-machine is a small- sized suitcase, with a chamber in the cover to hold records

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