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From the creatures of God let man learn wiſdom, and apply himſelf to the inſtruction they give.

(illegible text) to the deſart, my ſon; obſerve the young ſtork in the wilderneſs; let him ſpeak to thy heart. He beareſh on his wing his aged fire; he lodgeth him in ſafety, and ſupplieth him with food.

AFFECTION is not merely confined to the rational part of creation, but is univerſal law of Nature; and, from the instance that follows, extends to a great degree the irrational creation alſo. Mr Bruce, deſcribing the manner of hunting the elemnant in Abyſſinia, mentions a ſingular instance of affection in a young one:

"There now remained but two elephants of thoſe that had been diſcovered, which were a ſhe one with a calf. The people having obſerved the place of her retreat thither we haſtily followed. She was very ſoon found, and as ſoon lamed; but when they came to wound her with the darts, as every one did in their turn, to our very great surpriſe, the young one, which had been suffered to eſcape unheeded and unpurſued, came out from the thicket, apparently in great anger, running upon the horſes and men with all the violence it was maſter of.