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me reduced? Or, it is my duty to array myſelf in robes of royalty and magnificence when I behold the huſband I received from you in the flower of my youth, on the point of periſhing by your dagger? Should he be unable to diſarm your reſentment, and move your ſoul to compaſſion by the tears of his wife and children, permit, me to aſſure you that he will be puniſhed with more ſeverity for his imprudence, then was even intended by yourſelf, when he ſhould ſee a wife who is ſo deer to him, expiring at his feet; ſo you are not to think, that in my preſent condition, I will ever conſent to out-live him" Chelonida, at the coneluſion of theſe words, reclined her cheek on that of Cloombrutus; while with her eyes, that ſpoke her ſorrow in in her tears, ſhe caſt a languid look on thoſe who were preſent.

Leonidas, after a few moments diſcourſe with his friends, ordered Cleombrutus to rise, and immediately to puit Sparta; but earneſtly importuned his daughter to continue there, and not forsake a father who gave her such a peculiar proof of tendernass as to spare the life of her huſband. His solicitations were, however, ineffectual; and the moment Cleombrutus rose from his seat ſhe placed one of her children in his arms, and clasped the other in her own; and when ſhe had offered up her prayers to the goddess, and kiſſed the altar, ſhe beceme a voluntary exile with her huſband.