Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/105

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Sentences on the Past Tense.

úa só niá-siũ--kâi hù-thoh lṳ́,
that which I have received I deliver to you.
i thiaⁿ-tie̍h m̄ huaⁿ-hí,
when he heard it he was displeased.
tōiⁿ khí-sêng--liáu,
the temple is built.
i lo̍h-liáu-bé,
he had come down from his horse.
kì-chai chí-kâi-sṳ̄ chiũ kiaⁿ-ùi,
when they knew this matter they were afraid.
seⁿ lâm-jî liáu,
has given birth to a son.
kì-sĩ chiè-seⁿ, i chiũ m̄-káⁿ-khṳ̀,
such being the case, he did not dare go.
kì bōi--liáu chiũ tit-tie̍h saⁿ-peh-ngṳ̂n,
when it was sold he received three hundred dollars.
íⁿ-keng sí--khṳ̀ sì-ji̍t--liáu,
had been dead four days.
kàu chí-kâi-sṳ̄ chò-hiah--liáu,
when (they) had stopped doing this thing.
phêng-sù, i-sĩ chò ui-seng,
heretofore, he had been a physician.
thiaⁿ-kìⁿ chí-kâi-ūe i chiũ lì-tiāu i-kâi-saⁿ,
when he heard this he at once rent his garments.
i chiũ sûi-sî tó-tièⁿ,
he at once, thereupon, failed in business.
i íⁿ-keng chhut-liáu chí-kâi kò-sī,
he had already issued this proclamation.
tàⁿ-ūe tàⁿ-hiah,
when he had done talking.
lṳ́ hûan-liáu jṳ̂ būe-kàu,
you have not yet rubbed it enough.
sṳ̄ būe-liáu-kak khṳt i cháu--khṳ̀,
before the business was settled up he ran away.
liên-uán ka-kī kâi saⁿ-khòu khie̍h-m̄-tit,
even our own clothes we did not get.
tah m̄-tie̍h-chûn,
did not get aboard the boat.
tah tõ-i kâi-chhù,
left it at his house.
ũ kâi Siãng-tì chãu--i, chiàⁿ-õi tit-ũ,
there was a God who made it, and so it has existence.
ngà kâi-nâng kiâⁿ-tie̍h chí-tiâu-lōu bõi-kiâⁿ chha-chhò,
even the fool that walks in this road can not make a mistake.
i lî-liáu tī-hng,
he left the place.
i būe-lâi nín-kò kâi sî-hāu, i būe-hiáu chò chí-kâi khang-khùe,
before he came to you he did not understand how to do this.
tán-kàu úa kùe-hái--liáu, jiên-ãu húe-chûn chiàⁿ-lâi,
when I had already crossed the bay, afterwards the steamer then came, i.e, the steamer did not come until after I had crossed the bay.