Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/106

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In cases where the sense is obvious, distinguishing marks are omitted. At other times, words and phrases indicating future time are introduced, usually at the beginning of sentences, such as àiⁿ, chiang, chiang-àiⁿ. These often have associated with them other words, such as ũ, sĩ, chiũ, sûi-sî, hó, tie̍h, eng-kai, &c.

chiang-lâi-ji̍t; lâi-ji̍t,
at some future day.
in the future.
ãu-ji̍t pit-ũ,
at another day there certainly will be, &c.
mêⁿ-nîⁿ chiũ-ũ,
next year there will be, &c.
kàu-sǹg-siàu kâi-ji̍t-chí,
when the day of reckoning arrives, &c.
kim íⁿ-ãu,
hereafter &c.
ẽ-hûe; ẽ-tńg; ẽ-chhiú,
another time.
ẽ-pái; ãu-pái,
another time; next time.
uá chiang-àiⁿ-khṳ̀,
I will go.
i àiⁿ-khṳ̀,
he will go.
uá àiⁿ-sêng-chí kâi-ki-hũe khṳ̀,
I will avail myself of this opportunity to go.
uá àiⁿ-bûa-khṳ̀ koh-lô̤--i,
I will go near and entreat him.
i àiⁿ-kau-chhap chò-hiaⁿ-tĩ,
they will join and be brothers.
chèng-kuaⁿ àiⁿ-siang-ngí,
all the nobles will deliberate.
nín chèng-nâng chhông-uá chiá, chiũ-seⁿ,
ye all of you who follow me will live.
m̄-chhông-uá chiá, chiũ-sí,
those who don’t follow me will die.
uá sũn-lṳ́ chiũ-sĩ,
I will obey you is what it is; i.e. I will obey you.
hi-mōⁿ chiang-lâi õi-tit chò-tōa-kuaⁿ,
hoped that hereafter he might be come a great mandarin.
lṳ́ chiang-lâi kâi-miâⁿ sĩ-phang,
your future name will be fragrant.
chiang-lâi sĩ-ũ chò-nîⁿ,
in the future how will it be?
lṳ́ kâi-huân-ló àiⁿ-pièn-chò huaⁿ-hí,
your sorrow shall be turned into joy.
chí-kâi lîm-lîm-liáu, uá chiũ ji̍p-lâi sùaⁿ-tàⁿ,
when these (your words) are barely finished I will come in and continue the conversation.
bõi-sún-tie̍h che̍k-tiâu thâu-môⁿ,
you will not be injured a hair of your head.
lṳ́ chièⁿ-seⁿ khí-chhù, sĩ khí-tie̍h-chie̍h m̄-sĩ khí-tie̍h-thôu,
you in this way building a house, will be building with stone and not building with mud.