Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/113

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chò hó-hó.
Be good.
lṳ́ chò mih-kâi?
You are doing what?
àiⁿ chò a m̃?
Will you do it or not?
m̄-káⁿ chò.
Does not dare do (it).
m̄-pat-tò chò.
Never did it, i.e. don’t know how.
àiⁿ chò chiū-chò.
If you are going to do it, then do it.
chò sṳ̄ khiàng-khiàng.
Does things well.
chò sṳ̄ kuaⁿ-chiàⁿ.
Does things correctly.
chò tit-lâi.
Doing can come, i.e. can be done.
chò ui-seng
To be a doctor,
m̄-chai chò pẽ.
Don't know to be a father, i.e, unfatherly.
lṳ́ hó chò nâng
You be a man.
m̄-chai hó chò-nîⁿ chò.
I don’t know what it would be well to do.
chièⁿ-seⁿ chò m̄ chò-tit.
To do that way will not answer.
i tõ chò mue̍h-kiãⁿ.
He is at the making of something, i.e. he is making something.
chò piẽn-piẽn.
Made all ready (to hand.)
chò cha̍p-kang.
Do mixed work [coolie].
chò liáu chài-chò.
Having done it do it again, or did it again.
chò lâi hó.
Made to come, good, i.e, well done.