Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/114

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To come; to come forth.
i būe lâi.
He has not yet come.
i m̄-káⁿ lâi.
He dare not come.
i àiⁿ lâi.
He will come.
i àiⁿ lâi a-bô?
Will he come or not?
nõ-saⁿ-nâng lâi liáu.
Two or three men have come already.
lâi liáu ũ nõ-saⁿ-nâng.
Have come already some two or three persons.
May come.
lâi hó a-m̄-hó?
To come is it well or not?
lâi a-m̄-hó?
Is it well to come or not well?
ēng-úa lâi a-mién?
Is it necessary for me to come or not?
úa ēng lâi a-mién?
Do I need to come or not?
úa lâi, ēng a-mién?
For me to come, is it necessary or not?
hàm-i lâi.
Tell him to come.
tie̍h lâi.
Must come.
tõ mêⁿ-hng lâi.
In the evening come.
khie̍h tâng-pûaⁿ lâi.
Bringing a brass tray he comes, [making a present].
khie̍h lâi.
Take it and come.
lâi mé-mé.
Come quickly.
tõ hṳ́-kò lâi.
From thence come.