Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/115

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hién-hīn chhut lâi.
Manifested forth.
seⁿ-chhut lâi.
Issued forth.
in-tâng chhut lâi ũ húe-iãm.
From the smoke-stack issue forth a blaze.
tán-kàu i lâi.
Wait till he comes.
i chiũ lâi.
He then will come, or he then came.
khṳ̀-liáu lâi.
Has gone and come again.
i chiẽⁿ-chhī lâi.
He has been to market, and come back.
i lâi kú-ũa-hûe.
He came several times.
i lâi bói-sang-ôi liáu chiũ-khṳ̀.
He came and bought a pair of shoes and then went.
i lâi khie̍h póu-thâu, àiⁿ khṳ̀ chám-chhâ.
He came to get an axe, intending to go and cut wood.
i lâi hàm úa khṳ̀ chò khang-khùe.
He came to call me to go and do work.
tõ hâng--kò ũ sĩ-mih nâng lâi a-bô?
At the hong has anybody come or not?
lṳ́ khṳ̀ kiè che̍k-kâi sai-pẽ lâi lêng-gūa pa-lói chí-kâi-tháng.
You go and call a mechanic to come, and aganin mend this tub.
lṳ́ khṳ̀ kiè che̍k-kâi sai-pẽ lâi tèng kâi só-thâu tõ chí-kâi-mn̂g.
You go and call a mechanic to come, and nail a lock on this door.
i lí ka-kī kâi-sṳ̄, lí hó--liáu. jiên-ãu i chiũ lâi.
he is attending to his own affairs, when he has attended to them then he will come.
tán kú-chãi, thóiⁿ-kìⁿ bô-mue̍h, ãu thóiⁿ-kìⁿ tõ hñg-hñg lâi ũ nõ-nâng khiâ-bé.
Waited a long time, and saw nothing, afterwards he saw a great way off, coming, two men on horseback.