Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/127

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Various Questions.

question and answer.
mn̄g-lâi mn̄g-khṳ̀,
asking to and fro.
che̍k-nâng mn̄g,
che̍k-nâng ìn, one asks and another answers; dialogue.
is it well? Will it do?
hó a-m̄-hó
will it do or not?
chièⁿ-seⁿ hó--mē
will that do?
ìn-tap tàⁿ,
chièⁿ-seⁿ chò, káⁿ õi a-bõi, replied saying,—to do like that, can he or not?
lṳ́ kìⁿ chóng-tok chãi-tit káⁿ,
how dare you face the governor ?
eng-kai chò sĩ-mih-sṳ̄,
chiàⁿ õi-tit phêng-an, what must needs be done in order that there may be peace?
àiⁿ phêng-an eng-kai chò mih-sṳ̄,
if you want peace what is necessary to do?
lṳ́ chiēⁿ-ji̍t só-chò kâi-sṳ̄,
sĩ būe-chêng kâi-úa tàⁿ--mē, that which you did the other day, is there something that you have not told me of?
lṳ́ khá-sĩ bô-àiⁿ kāng-úa tàⁿ,
is it so that you don’t want to tell me?
lṳ́ phah-sǹg àiⁿ-chhiáⁿ tî-kâi ui-seng lâi,
what doctor have you decided to call?
lṳ́ chai õi-tit chiap i-kâi-ūi a-bõi,
do you know whether you can fill his place or not?
lṳ́ hô-íⁿ-chai chí-kâi-sṳ̄,
how did you come to know this?
lṳ́ chãi-tit tsai chí-kâi-sṳ̄,
how can you know this matter?
lṳ́ chò-nî ũ hièⁿ-chōi ngṳ̂n,
how did you come to have so much money?
why can I not?
lṳ́ chai-mêng a,
do you know clearly ?
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ sĩ so̍k tî-tiâng kâi-sṳ̄,
this matter pertains to whom? Whose business is it?
chí-kâi-tàⁿ sĩ so̍k tõ tî-tiâng,
this responsibility pertains to whom?
úa ũ-ūe kàu-sù lṳ́-thiaⁿ,
hó--mē, I have something to state to you, may I?
ūi-mih-sṳ̄ kám-siā i,
what shall I thank him for?
ũ-sṳ̄ hó khṳt-i kám-siā--mē,
is there anything for which I should be thanked by him?
chò-nî õi chièⁿ mêng-pe̍h,
how should it come to be so clear?
àiⁿ chò-nî chiàⁿ-hó,
should it be properly done?
i nâng seⁿ-lâi chãi-seⁿ-iēⁿ,
what sort of a looking man is he?
õi-tit-tie̍h sĩ-mih-siéⁿ,
what reward can he have?