Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/128

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chí-kâi hieⁿ-lí seⁿ tõ tî-kò,
where does this village lie?
lṳ́ chò-nî put-sek put-ti,
how is it that you don’t come?
lṳ́ sĩ àiⁿ-sàng sèⁿ-miāⁿ, ā,
do you want to lose your life?
lṳ́ mãuⁿ-sí, lṳ́ khá-káⁿ a-m̄-káⁿ,
to risk death, dare you or not?
lṳ́ àiⁿ-chhûan--mē,
do you want to be complete?
àiⁿ-siá-tiāu ke-ngia̍p, ā,
do you want to sacrifice your property?
lṳ́ õi-tit-tie̍h kúaⁿ-jiên kāng-i sie-thâi a-bô,
can you really fight with him or not?
lṳ́ káⁿ-màiⁿ-khṳ̀ sûn-ho̍k i,
dare you refuse to submit to him?
hó-pàng tî-kâi-ūi,
where shall I put it?
hó-chò-nî siu-si̍p,
how shall I arrange it?
ìaⁿ-siu pàng-tî-kò,
where shall I put it?
huân-ũ jie̍h-hñg,
how much farther is it?
ēng-thiap jie̍h-chōi chiàⁿ-kàu-chok,
how much must I add to make it suffice?
mn̂g-gūa tâng-chá jiáng, khá-sĩ-lṳ́ a-m̄-sĩ,
was that you making a racket outside the door a bit ago?
lṳ́ jiáng-mih-sṳ̄,
what are you making a noise about?
i jiáng-tóu khùn a-m̄-sĩ,
he is making a fuss because he is hungry, isn’t he?
nín--tang tî-tiâng-õi,
who among you are able to?
chí-chûn hàm--uá, sĩ-lṳ́ a-m̄-sĩ,
was it you calling out for me just now?
lṳ́ bõi sĩ-hàm-uá lî-khui ka-kī tī-hng,
are you not (virtually) telling me to leave my own country?
m̄-chai chí-kiãⁿ-mue̍h khá-ha̍h-lṳ́ ēng--mē,
I do not know whether this will suit your use or not?
chia̍h-liáu, m̄-chai chiè-nguân a-bõi,
when I have eaten it (medicine) I do not know whether I will be as at the first or not?
ēng- sĩ-mih-sṳ̄ chiàⁿ-huaⁿ-hí,
what will please him?
lṳ́ mn̄g-chò-nî,
what are you asking about?
lṳ́ mn̄g sĩ-mih-kâi,
what are you asking about?
lṳ́ mn̄g sĩ-mih-sṳ̄,
what are you asking about?
uá chò-nî hó-khṳt-lṳ́ mn̄g.
why should I be questioned by you?
ũ sĩ-mih-iēⁿ, hó-chò kâi-huap, lṳ́ khá-pat a-m̄-pat,
what kind of a way would do as a rule,—do you know or not?
lṳ́ khá-it-tit hṳ́-tâng-sî lṳ́ só-tàⁿ,
do you remember what you said at the time?