Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/136

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LESSON XXXVI (continued).
to decide; settle upon something.
thêng-uá pheⁿ-phah,
wait till I decide.
uá chú-ì chièⁿ-seⁿ,
that is my decision.
very decided.
huat-lo̍h hó--liáu,
the decision has been rendered.
kuaⁿ-hú phoi-tiāⁿ-tie̍h,
the official has given a definite decision.
as I think; if it were for me to think.
i àm-siẽⁿ,
he thought within himself.
holding on to his own opinion; bigoted; prejudiced.
very bigoted; strongly prejudiced.
does not hold to reason.
does not adhere to law.
hold it firmly.
chí kâi-tõ-lí hó-chip-siú,
this doctrine it is well to hold and observe.
hó-chip-siú, mài-ka-laṳh,
hold, and observe, and don’t let it fall.
confromconform to law or usage.
sũn-nâng kâi-ì,
accord with people’s idea.
follow the custom.
chiá sĩ lṳ́-ka-kī pān--chhut-lâi,
this is a conjecture of your own.
lṳ́ chai-ta̍t uá tùi a-m̄-tùi,
do you reckon I am right or not?
uá pān-jie̍h-chōi,
I reckon so; I surmise that.
lṳ́ pān-jie̍h-chōi,
how much do you reckon.
a comparison; pestle; allegory.
chiá sĩ phì-jũ a-sĩ si̍t-sṳ̄? is this a comparison,
or an actual fact?
hó-lâi pí-chò sĩ-mih-kâi?
what shall I, in comparing, say it is (like)?
hó-phì-jũ chò sĩ-mih-mue̍h?
what thing shall I compare it to?
phì-jũ tàⁿ-uân--liáu, chiũ-tàⁿ si̍t-sṳ̄,
when the comparison is finished then I will speak of the actual circumstance.
hó-chiang sĩ-mih-mue̱h lâi-pí?
what thing shall I take to compare it with?
chiang thóiⁿ-kìⁿ--kâi, lâi-pí-jũ thóiⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ--kâi,
take the visible to illustrate the invisible.
soiⁿ tàⁿ-phì-jũ, ãu tàⁿ-si̍t-sṳ̄,
first state the illustration and then the facts.