Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/137

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LESSON XXXVI (continued).
bô-tháu-khùi kâi-mue̍h tò-chò ũ seⁿ-miāⁿ kâi-mue|h lâi tàⁿ,
to speak of an inanimate thing as if animate, i.e. to personify.
Sai-nái-suaⁿ sĩ pí-jũ hiēn-chãi kâi-sṳ̄,
Mt. Sinai illustrates the things of the present.
chang ne̍k-thói kâi-sṳ̄ lâi pí-jũ sim-leng kâi,
take the affairs of the body to illustrate the things of the spirit.
chiang-sòi lâi pí tōa--kâi,
use the small to illustrate the large.
íⁿ-sòi khài-ki̍p tōa,
take the small and symbolize the large.
pí chá-ji̍t--kâi iáu mêng-pe̍h,
as compared with yesterday he is more clear.
a symbol; illustration.
a symbol; illustration.
a type; a shadow.
to cause.
só sái--kâi,
that which is caused.
to cause to come to pass.
to make use of.
àiⁿ sái-nâng mêng-hiáu,
will cause people to understand.
so that; to the end that.
i-kâi tì-khí,
its beginning; original cause of anything.
therefore; the why of anything; sequence.
the whence of anything.
the consequences; results,
the natural consequences.
ũ-só-iû iā ũ-só-íⁿ,
there is a cause and there is an effect.
só-íⁿ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
and because it is so.
chí-kâi só-íⁿ jiên sĩ chò-nî?
the natural consequence then is what?
ũ sĩ-mih só-íⁿ?
what are the consequences?
fixed; a matter of course.
of necessity; a matter of course.
ũ kâi sĩ seⁿ-jiên,
some are so naturally.
chièⁿ-seⁿ seⁿ íⁿ-jiên,
it is so naturally.
chṳ̃-jiên jṳ̂-jiên,
of necessity so; self-existent.
kúa-jiên; chṳ̃-jiên,
of course.
seⁿ-ngẽ; seⁿ tiāⁿ-tie̍h,
fixed; definite; unalterable.
lṳ́ kâi pēⁿ-chèng kâi só-íⁿ,
the cause of your disease.
lṳ́ só-íⁿ kâi pēⁿ-chèng sĩ chá-ji̍t sieⁿ-tie̍h huang,
the cause of your disease is that yesterday you caught cold.