Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/138

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LESSON XXXVI (continued).
taⁿ, – íⁿ-keng sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ--liáu,
now, — since that’s the way things are.
i kai só-íⁿ õi kám-tõng-nâng,
that whereby it moves people; motive power.
chûn só-íⁿ mān chiá, sĩ-lṳ́ m̄-pat bói-chháu khṳ̀-uāng,
the reason why the boat is slow is, that you did not buy straw and scorch the bottom.
i m̄-thiaⁿ kâi-uân-kù sĩ-i chip-ka-kī kâi-ì,
the reason why he wouldn’t listen is because he clings to his own notion.
sǹg-lâi sǹg-khṳ̀,
considering the matter to and fro.
chièⁿ-seⁿ thóiⁿ-kìⁿ-lâi,
and so we may perceive.
chièⁿ-seⁿ khó-kièn,
and so it may be seen.
taⁿ, chiũ-khó-kièn sĩ-chò-nîⁿ?
now, then, that which may be perceived is what?
kù-chhṳ́ sǹg-khí-lâi,
and so I conclude.
phah-sǹg-thóiⁿ; tá-sǹg-thóiⁿ,
consider and note.
taⁿ, – sṳ̄ íⁿ-keng sĩ-chièⁿ-seⁿ--liáu – kù-chhṳ́,
now, — matters being thus and so, — therefore —.
mêng-mˆńg sĩ-chièⁿ-seⁿ,
obviously it is so.
o̍h-i kâi-ūe,
repeat or narrate his words.
o̍h-i kâi-lâi-le̍h,
narrate the circumstances of the affair, or tell its history.
o̍h-i kâi-khí-chí,
tell its beginning and ending.
o̍h-i kâi-uân-iû,
explain the cause or origin of it.
m̄-chai thâu-búe,
I don’t know head nor tail (of it).
m̄-chai thâu-sṳ̄,
I don’t know what the beginning of it was.
m̄-chai kiáu-búe,
I don’t know the issue or outcome of it.
i kâi kat-kúeⁿ,
its fruits; results.
i kâi suah-búe,
the issue; upshot.
the circumstances; affairs.
uá liām-lṳ́-thiaⁿ,
I will narrate and you hear.
a right notion; a correct idea.
not a correct idea.
a good motive.
not well formed; not a good manner.
set him right.
not right; don’t correspond.
not according to rule.
chôiⁿ-ãu m̄-hû,
what precedes and what follows don’t correspond.
ha̍h-tie̍h soiⁿ-chai-nâng só-tàⁿ,
accords with what the prophet says.