Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/139

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LESSON XXXVI (continued).
bô che̍k-kiãⁿ m̄-tùi,
not an item that does not correspond.
lṳ́ só-tap hui uá só-mn̄g,
what you answer is not what I ask.
kiau lṳ́-chá só-tàⁿ m̄-hû,
with what you formerly said it does not agree.
m̄-hû-ha̍h lṳ́ tâng-chá tàⁿ,
does not agree with your speech a while ago.
tâng-lūi kâi-u̍eūe,
words of the some class; synonyms.
sie-tùi-mīn kâi ì-sṳ̀,
opposite signification.
iap-thiap kâi-ūe,
hinge words; capable of twofold meaning.
ì-sṳ̀ siang-thong,
ideas mutually connected,
nõ-sṳ̄ sie phit-phùe,
the two things match, or go well together.
to think.
lṳ́ hó-siẽⁿ
thinking; a profound thought.
shallow thinking.
lṳ́ hó siẽⁿ-chhim--chē,
think a little deeper.
lṳ́ siẽⁿ m̄-chhim,
you don’t think deeply.
sòi-sim siẽⁿ,
think carefully.
err in thinking. ngà-siẽⁿ, a foolish notion.
lṳ́ siẽⁿ-chhò,
you think erroneously.
siẽⁿ-m̄-kàu thiet-tói,
you don’t think down to the bottom of it.
kiù-kàu chhim-ì-chãi,
to pry down very deeply into the subject.
chhién-chhién kâi-ì,
a very superficial thought.
necessarily so.
ngî-jiên kâi ìn-tap,
the answer is a matter of course.
eng-kai hun-pie̍t,
it is necessary to discriminate.
eng-kai piẽn-mêng,
it is necessary to show clearly.
hun-pie̍t m̄-pat tò-khṳ̀,
he does not, or did not, know how to discriminate.
khî-tang, eng-kai hun-pie̍t tî-kâi hó tî-kaikâi m̄-hó,
among them, it is necessary to distinguish which are good and which are not good.
khó-íⁿ chai,
so you may know.
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ íⁿ-keng chai--liáu,
this matter is known already.
ngûan-bûn só-tàⁿ,
that which the original text says.
chí-chièⁿ kâi chhiet-iàu sĩ tõ chí-che̍k-kù,
the essential point above is in this sentence.
to hinder.