Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/145

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List of syllables representing the sounds used in pronouncing the Tie Chiu dialect.

Prepared by Rev. S. B. Partridge.

The following list gives, with probably but few exceptions, all of the sounds used in speaking the Tie Chiu dialect. A few of the syllables represent reading sounds only, and are not heard in conversation.

The syllables are in many cases repeated with different tonal marks and in some cases two or three definitions follow the same syllable, but the list does not profess to be exhaustive in either of these respects.

As far as possible the more common definitions have been chosen, and where more than one definition follows a syllable, the definitions represent different characters of the same tone,

A a crow; or; a name prefix. á, to break off. à, to dispute. ã, a final particle. ā-sĩ, if.

Aⁿ, to cover. âⁿ, to separate quarrelers. àⁿ, to brood. ãⁿ, to bruise. āⁿ, stuffing for pies.

Ah, a duck; to escort.

Ai, to pity. âi, a mother. ái, to sigh. ài, to love. ãi, exclamation of surprise.

Aìⁿ, to desire.

Aih, a squeaking sound.

Aihⁿ, a creaking sound.

Ak, wicked; to water.

Am, a monastery. ám, rice water. àm, dark. ãm, the neck.

An, peace. àn, according to.

Ang, a husband. âng, red; a flood. àng, a jar.

Ap, to pay a balance. a̍p, a small box.

At, to repress.

Au, a bowl. âu, the throat. áu, to twist. àu, obscure; angry; to rot. ãu, after.