Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/146

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Auⁿ, clamorous.

Auh, vexed.

Ba, protuberant. bā, to run swiftly.

Bah, meat.

Bâi, the eyebrows; a lintel.

Ba̍k, ink; wood.

Ba̍t, close texture.

Báu, the Pleiades; 5 to 7 A.M.

Bé, a horse; weights.

Be̍h, wheat.

Bí, rice. bī, to dive.

Biāu, mysterious.

Biê, to trace; to peep. biē, a temple.

Bih, to crouch down. bi̍h, bamboo splints.

Bi̍t, honey.

Bô, no or not. bó, mother. bō, a hat; a millstone.

Bôu, a mold. bóu, a wife; a Chinese acre.

Bû, a magician; to accuse falsely. bú, military; to attack. bũ, business. bū, mist; to destroy with guns.

Bûa, to grind; to approach.

Buah, to smear. bua̍h, cymbals.

Bũan, to neglect; a curtain.

būan, ten thousand.

Bûang, to disregard; destroyed. búang, disorderly. bũang, the full of the moon.

Bûe, plums; a go-between. búe, the end. būe, not yet.

Bue̍h, stockings.

Bun, literary. bûn, gnats. bún, involved. bùn, to burrow. būn, unhappy.

But, flavor. bu̍t, seasoning; to beat out dust.

Cha, time past; dregs. chá, formerly; early. chà, to feign; fitful. chā, to shudder.

Chãⁿ, to dredge for.

Chah, to take along; to roll up the sleeves. cha̍h, to shut off the wind.

Chai, to know; cuttings; calamity. châi, the navel. chái, a year; sediment; to rule. chài, a gain; to carry, as in a boat. chãi, now; how? chāi, a boat load.

Chak, to make; to bind up.

Cham, a needle. chám, to chop off. chàm, to vilify. chãm, a paragraph.

Chan, a lifting net.