Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/147

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chân, steps. chàn, a ware house; to praise. chãn, a terrace; viscera. chān, to present.

Chang, the coir palm; head dress. châng, stairs; classifier of trees. cháng, a wig; to bind. chàng, strong.

Chap, juice; mixed. cha̍p, ten; guard station.

Chat, a joint. cha̍t, solid.

Chau, to encounter; dregs. châu, alike. cháu, to run. chàu, an iron kettle set in masonry. chāu, to create.

Che, to abstain. ché, an elder sister. chè, a debt. chẽ, adverb of comparison.

Cheⁿ, to strive. chêⁿ, clear sky. chéⁿ, a will. chẽⁿ, quiet.

Cheh, to reprove; to splice threads.

Chek, one; a candle; to store up. che̍k, to enrich.

Cheng, a bell; a cup; to pound. chêng, mark of past time. chéng, seed; to swell. chèng, disease; all; to plant. chẽng, clear; entirely.

Chí, this; seeds; to cease; only. chì, to reach to; the will. chĩ, to lick; 9 to 11 A.M.

Chiⁿ, felt; a wedge; the limbs. chîⁿ, copper cash. chíⁿ, immature. chìⁿ, an arrow; to jostle.

Chia, to screen. chiá, a wife. chià, sugar cane. chiã, to depend on; a register.

Chiaⁿ, quartz; lean. chiâⁿ, perfect. chiáⁿ, fresh; to repair. chiàⁿ, correct.

Chiah, a sparrow; a vestige. chia̍h, to eat.

Chiak, a cup.

Chiam, pointed. chiâm, obliged. chiãm, gradually; temporary.

Chiang, a sign of future time. chiáng, to rule; senior. chiàng, to commend. chiãng, a staff; to measure.

Chiap, to receive; spry.

Chiau, to own to. chiáu, birds. chiàu, to regard. chiāu, earnest.

Chiauh, small birds.

Chiauk, to sell, as office, or title.

Chie, to plantain; pepper. chié, few. chiè, to shine upon; a sacrifice.

Chieⁿ, a chapter; camphor; starch. chiéⁿ, an oar; to watch. chièⁿ, thus; relishes. chiẽⁿ, to itch; to ascend.