Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/149

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Chuat, stupid.

Chùe, exceedingly. chũe, sin. chūe, a column.

Chuh, to suck; a dimple.

Chui, projecting; a point. chúi, water. chùi, Intoxicated. chũi, a substitute.

Chun, a bottle; to respect. chûn, a boat. chún, to permit. chùn, steep; an abyss. chũn, to wring. chūn, a gust.

Chut, underlings; smooth. chu̍t, glutinous rice.

Chṳ, a book; to prepare food. chṳ̂, potatoes. chṳ́, a child. chṳ̀, to soak up; to enrich. chṳ̃, one’s self.

Chha, a mistake. chhâ, wood; stupid. chhá, to roast. chhà, a voucher.

Chháⁿ, to loiter.

Chhah, to insert; to support. chha̍h, mixed.

Chhai, conjecture. chhâi, talents; wealth. chhái, to pluck; fits. chhài, vegetable.

Chha̍k, a chisel.

Chham, to mix; to sign. chhâm, a cliff; mortified. chhám, distressing.

chhàm, to repent; an omen. chhãm, diagonally. chhām, to peck, as a bird.

Chhan, a meal. chhân, a field for rice.

Chhang, azure. chhâng, to conceal.

Chhap, confusion.

Chhat, varnish; to inquire into. chha̍t, a thief.

Chhau, to copy. chhâu, to shift; a resort. chháu, grass. chhàu, a stench; hasty. chhāu, a hubbub.

Chhe, a fork; an envoy. chhê, to examine; to throttle. chhé, to haul. chhè, a privy.

Chheⁿ, raw; a star; green. chhéⁿ, to awaken. chhẽⁿ, cymbals.

Chheh, a book; a device.

Chhek, paddy; to fathom; the knees.

Chheng, pure; to designate. chhêng, the feelings. chhèng, guns; suitable. chhēng, a door-bar; to wear.

Chhi, a wife; to perch; horrid. chhî, to arrange. chhí, shame. chhì, thorns; to test. chhĩ, a market. chhī, to feed.

Chhiⁿ, fresh.

Chhia, a wagon; wasteful.