Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/150

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Chhiáⁿ, to invite; moreover.

Chhiah, flesh color.

Chhiak, many; a sparrow.

Chhiam, bamboo slips for drawing lots. chhiâm, in seclusion. chhiàm, to arrogate to one’s self. chhiām, in ranks.

Chhiang, a prostitute; sweet flag. chhiâng, a long time. chhiáng, a shed. chhiàng, to lead. chhiãng, crippled.

Chhiap, a concubine; to steal.

Chhiau, to mix. chhiâu, a dynasty. chhiáu, ridicule; tolerably. chhiàu, powerful. chhiãu, to retch.

Chhiauh, to look around, as in thought.

Chhie, masculine. chhiè, to laugh.

Chhieⁿ, a spear. chhiêⁿ, a wall. chhiéⁿ, to take by force. chhiẽⁿ, an elephant. chhiēⁿ, to shed light upon.

Chhieh, a foot in length, chhie̍h, matting.

Chhien, to remove. chhiên, to progress. chhién, shallow.

Chhiet, important.

Chhih, to brand; to take fire.

Chhim, deep. chhîm, to search for.

chhím, to sleep. chhìm, a sibylline hint. chhīm, to move.

Chhin, one’s own; like, chhîn, a courtier. chhìn, steelyards; cold.

Chhip, to pursue.

Chhit, seven; to wipe.

Chhiu, the beard; autumn. chhiû, a prisoner; to revenge. chhiú, the hand; to redeem. chhiū, a tree.

Chhng, a granary; a hamlet; to bore. chhn̂g, a table; a bed, chhǹg, to thrust into.

Chho, at the first. chhô, to humble. chhó, distress; rough. chhò, to file; to mistake; rough. chhō, to contain.

Chhoh, a quantity; contracted.

Chhòi, flour.

Chhoiⁿ, a thousand. chhôiⁿ, silk-worms. chhóiⁿ, a small broom, chhòiⁿ, to urge on.

Chhoih, to sob.

Chhok, to excite; to seize.

Chhong, intelligent; to fill up. chhông, to follow; to reverence. chhòng, to bother.

Chhou, rough. chhôu, grieved. chhòu, vinegar.

Chhu, to prune.