Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/151

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chhû, leisurely. chhú, to take in marriage; to judge chhù, a house; to set in order. Chhúa, awry. chhūa, to take a wife; to lead.

Chhùaⁿ, to bar.

Chhuah, to deceive; to pluck. chhua̍h, to deflect.

Chhûan, complete.

Chhũang, to collide with.

Chhuat, to take without permission.

Chhue, to blow; to cook by steaming. chhûe, a switch. chhúe, marrow. chhūe, to search.

Chhueh, to sip with a noise.

Chhui, to infer; to urge. chhúi, fine; to estimate. chhùi, the mouth; framents.

Chhun, the spring; to stretch forth. chhûn, remaining. chhún, incompatible; stupid. chhùn, an inch.

Chhut, to go forth.

Chhṳ, to unroll. chhṳ̂, mercy; a defect. chhṳ́, a rat; this. chhṳ̀, a time.

Chhṳh, to stoop.

É, dumb. ẽ, below; to wade. ē. a time; repeatedly.

Êⁿ, roof beams.

Eh, whatever; an obstruction.

E̍k, to bathe; to translate; wings.

Eng, ought; an infant; a hawk. éng, waves, èng, to fulfill. ẽng, pregnant. ēng, to use.

Gā, to take hold, as with an anchor.

Gāi, to obstruct.

Gâu, wise.

Gauh, music.

Gê, a sprout; the cocoa tree. a yamen; tusks. gé, a prong. gē, to smooth with a trowel.

Ge̍k, jade stone; a prison.

Gî, doubt.

Giâ, surprise.

Gia̍p, constantly.

Gô, a goose; fetters. gō, to starve.

Gōi, handicraft.

Gôu, a porpoise. gōu, to thwart.

Gû, bovine animals.

Gūa. outside.

Gue̍h, moon; or month.

Gūi, asafetida.

Gu̍t, to sleep.

Gṳ́, words. gṳ̃, a spur; to resist; to curb. gṳ̄, jade.