Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/152

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Ha, to bend; to breathe upon. hâ, to gird. hà, mourning apparel. hā, the noise of a crowd.

Háⁿ, twilight; a question mark; to frighten.

Hah, petals. ha̍h, agreeing.

Hâi, the bones of the body. hái, the sea. hãi, to fight; languid. hāi, to injure.

Hâiⁿ, to pay. hāiⁿ, groaning.

Haihⁿ, a creaking, or sound of distress.

Hak, to guide; to visit a superior. ha̍k, to learn.

Ham, a bivalve with scolloped shells. hâm, official position. hãm, vexed. hām, to ruin.

Hân, cold; a literary degree, hán, seldom; to oppose. hàn, powerful. hãn, a limit.

Hâng, a ware house; to submit to. hāng, a lane.

Hap, to swell. ha̍p, to close up.

Hat, to rule.

Hau, to scream. hâu, very minute; leisurely. háu, to howl. hãu, young. hāu, the king crab; to wait for.

Hàuⁿ, willing; fond of.

Hauhⁿ, a sound, as of pigs eating.

He, shortness of breath. hê, shrimps; a flaw. hè, to wail. hẽ, to vow. hē, summer.

Hêⁿ, fishing stakes. héⁿ, a question mark. hēⁿ, assent.

Heh, to intimidate; to shorten sail. he̍h, to scatter.

He̍hⁿ, captious.

Hek, dark; to examine. he̍k, weary.

Heng, to prosper; the breast. hêng, punishment; form. hèng, pleased with. hẽng, conduct; fortunate.

Hi, to expect. hí, joy. hì, theatrical performances. hĩ, to conduct.

Hîⁿ, a stringed instrument. hìⁿ, to shake off; to sprinkle. hĩⁿ, the ear.

Hia, boots; a dipper. hiâ, a flaw; leisure. hiá, those. hiã, tiles; ants.

Hiaⁿ, an elder brother. hiâⁿ, to put on fuel. hiàⁿ, to widen.

Hiah, to stop. hia̍h, a constable; the forehead.

Hiam, peppery.