Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/153

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hiâm, to find fault with. hiám, dangerous.

Hiang, odor. hiáng, to sound; to enjoy. hiàng, facing towards; taxes.

Hia̍p, the sides; to cherish enmity.

Hiau, wicked ; brave. hiáu, to comprehend.

Hiauh, to throw up, as the coat sleeve.

Hiauhⁿ, to shake off.

Hiè, that.

Hieⁿ, a village; incense. hièⁿ, that.

Hie̍h, leaves of plants.

Hien, to raise slightly. hiên, a sage; obscure. hién, manifest; dangerous. hièn, to offer; a ruler. hiēn, now.

Hiet, a scorpion.

Hih, to laugh out.

Him, to long for. hîm, a bear. hìm, to smother.

Hîn, dizzy. hīn, plain.

Hiok, to disregard.

Hiong, malevolent; unlucky. hiông, masculine.

Hip, to steam.

Hit, to dangle.

Hiu, to cease.

Hiuⁿ, obscure.

hiûⁿ, a wadded jacket. hiúⁿ, rotten.

Hiuh, to brush; to flog.

Hm̄, to pant.

Hng, a region; dearth. hn̂g, a garden, hñg, distant.

Hngh, to blow the nose.

Hô, a river; a moat. hó, good; suitable. hò, to squander; false. hō, a mark; to protect.

Hoh, very. ho̍h, a crane.

Hõi, a crab.

Hóiⁿ, a small bivalve. hõiⁿ, to close, as a door. hōiⁿ, edible greens.

Hoih, narrow. ho̍ih, to espy.

Hok, happiness; double. ho̍k, garments; perhaps.

Hong, to confer; plenteous. hông, a swan; to sew; vast. hóng, salary; to intone. hōng, to receive from a superior.

Hôu, bearded. hóu, to bale out water. hõu, rain; a princess.

Hóuⁿ, a tiger.

Hu, a husband; ashes; rotten. hû, a lake; a fox; charms. hú, a prefecture; to stoop. hù, a tutor; to hand over to. hũ, a wife; to help; to protect. hū, to breathe out.