Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/155

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iâm, salt; fiery. iám, to spy; to shade. iãm, flames. iām, glossy.

Iang, the middle; visitation. iâng, the male principle; to publish. iáng, to nourish. iãng, mode; anxious care.

Iap, to repress. ia̍p, to flash; a hinge.

Iau, hungry; a fairy. iâu, to disturb, graceful. iáu, rather; finally. iàu, important. iãu, refulgence.

Iauⁿ, to lift slightly.

Iauh, to ripple; to flicker.

Ie, the loins; a waist band. iê, a kiln; to sway. ié, to bale out. iẽ, to rattle. iē, the kite.

Iêⁿ, a sheep; to melt; the arbutus. iéⁿ, to rear; to transmit orders. iēⁿ, pattern or style.

Ieh, a treaty; to guess. ie̍h, medicine.

Ien, tainted. iên, a feast. ién, remote; vexed. ièn, edible bird’s-nests. iẽn, to desire ardently.

Ih, to dampen.

Im, sound; the female principle. îm, licentiousness. ím, to lead; a habit. ìm, to shelter.

In, smoke ; a reason. in, lead; to practice. in, to lead ; a habit. in, to answer. in, a halo ; to soar.

Io̍k, appetite; to rear.

Iông, glory; to serve for hire. ióng, everlasting. iòng, to crowd; to obstruct. iõng, commission.

Ip, a city; to salute with joined hands.

It, one; recollect. i̍t, to wave; ease.

Iu, grieved. iû, oil; by; to ramble. iú, to allure; a friend. iũ, the right hand; to help. iū, the pumelo.

Iùⁿ, fine; young.

Jê, feeble.

Jêng, as ever; another,

Jî, a child. jī, two; a letter; a bait.

Jiá, to incite.

Jia̍k, if; frail.

Jiám, to dye.

Jiáng, to cry aloud. jiãng, to give way to.

Jiâu, crumpled; affluent. jiáu, claws; to scratch. jiāu, to pursue,

Jiē, urine.

Jie̍h, how?

Jiên, like; of course.