Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/156

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Jie̍t, hot.

Ji̍h, twenty; to press.

Jím, patience. jĩm, to sustain. jīm, to hold office.

Jîn, charity; mankind. jīn, to confess,

Ji̍p, to enter.

Ji̍t, sun, or day.

Jiû, complaisant.

Jo̍k, a mattress; to insult,

Jông, velvet; deer’shorns. jóng, feathery.

Jû, like; to respond; fertile. jú, more; breast; young. jũ, to compare; an edict.

Ju̍ah, hot.

Júan, to compile. juãn, as you please; however.

Jua̍t, pleased.

Jûe, to rub between the hands. jũe, zealous.

Jûi, but; to consider. jũi, to will.

Jún, to assent. jũn, to fatten, jūn, tough; intercalary.

Jṳ̂, confusion; yet. jṳ́, to spread out; to daub. jṳ̃, fat.

Ka, the back; glue; to cut with shears. ká, to twist; to stir. kà, to teach. kã, to bite.

Kaⁿ, oranges.

kâⁿ, to carry in the mouth, káⁿ, to dare. kàⁿ, leaven.

Kah, armor; to fit; and; to wrap.

Kai, ought; all. kâi, one; with; a general classifier. kài, a limit; to cover; mustard.

Kak, roof slats; grain; a horn; each. ka̍k, to throw.

Kam, sweet; a jail; intestinal worms. kâm, to hold in the mouth. kám, to move the feelings; to cover. kàm, to oversee.

Kan, difficult; adultery. kán, soap.

Kang, work; diligence; a river. káng, to converse; a canal. kàng, to descend. kāng, collectively; and.

Kap, to join; to bind. ka̍p, to chatter.

Kat, to produce.

Kau, a hook; a ditch; to commit to. kâu, a monkey; to bestride. káu, nine; a dog; tricky. kàu, to arrive at; enough; entire. kãu, thick.

Kauh, to roll up.

Ke, a family; more. kê, a cangue. ké, false. kè, the price; to marry, a husband. kẽ, low.