Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/157

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Keⁿ, to plow; to weave. kéⁿ, a leaf stalk. kèⁿ, a path.

Keh, a partition; to degrade from office. ke̍h, to obstruct; to oppose.

Kek, to distill; to excite. ke̍k, a manufactory; the extreme point.

Keng, a bow; to pass by. kéng, a prospect; to warn; a limit. kèng, to honor; more.

Ki, a branch; dearth; to mock. kî, a flag; chess. kí, to point out; one’s self; a year. kì, a comrade; to record. kĩ, to dislike; a courtesan.

Kîⁿ, the margin; tongs. kìⁿ, to see; to remember.

Kia, to add; to commend. kiá, supposing that. kià, to hand over to another. kiã, steep.

Kiaⁿ, a capital; classics; afraid. kiâⁿ, to walk. kiáⁿ, a child; now. kiàⁿ, a mirror. kiãⁿ, an item.

Kiah, to open up. kia̍h, wooden shoes.

Kiak, clean.

Kiam, together with. kiâm, saltish; frugal. kiám, to diminish. kiàm, a sword.

Kiang, rigid; a limit. kiáng, to compel.

Kiap, to plunder. kia̍p, to squeeze out.

Kiau, proud; with. kiáu, to assist; to excite. kiãu, to pry up.

Kiê, a bridge; the egg plant. kiè, to call. kiē, better.

Kieh, freight.

Kien, firm; to contribute; sparing. kièn, to see. kiẽn, vigorous; to set wp.

Kiet, clean. kie̍t, to exhaust.

Kih, to lay up; as a wall.

Kim, gold; now. kìm, to restrain.

Kin, the present. kín, straight.

Kiok, to address.

Kiong, polite.

Kip, to supply; impatient. ki̍p, to reach to.

Kit, to knit; a small orange.

Kiu, to contract. kiû, a ball. kiù, to save; to examine into. kiũ, an error.

Kiuh, to spurt; a syringe.

Kng, light; a water jar; to carry. kńg, a scroll. kǹg, to string on; steel.

Ko, leprosy; salve; a pole. kó, grass or grain stems. kò, to accuse; to row; a place.

Koh, strange; to hinder.