Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/161

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La, to take along. lâ, tallow, or lard. lã, sufficient; to stir up. lā, to enjoy.

Lah, to carry over the arm. la̍h, wax; pungent.

Lâi, to come, pears or apples. lãi, within. lāi, sharp; talented..

Lak, to retire. la̍k, six; pleasure.

Lam, to spread over loosely. lâm, south; male; blue. lám, the black olive; to hug. làm, mire. lãm, exercise.

Lân, difficult; a balustrade. lán, lazy. lān, calamity.

Lang, wide apart. lâng, deaf; scales; a cage. láng, a bag. lãng, waves;

Lap, a wrapper; to dip out. la̍p, to pay for purpose of revenue.

La̍t, strength.

Lâu, the tide; to toil; a loft; to detain. láu, aged; the siri leaf. làu, to purge. lãu, venerable. lāu, to leak.

Lauh, dilapidated.

Le, a final particle.

Leh, the sound of thunder. le̍h, to cut open; a scratch.

Le̍k, green; dry land; scrofula.

Leng, a small bell. lêng, spirit; power; besides; a dragon. léng, to push. lèng, to stand on tiptoe. lẽng, a law; eloquent. lēng, joists; loose.

Li, a particle denoting certainty. lî, to disperse; glass; a fence. lí, a village; rites; to govern; the plum. lĩ, profit; stern; dysentery. lī, to adjust.

Liâ, bô-liâ, “no truth in it.”

Liah, to seize; to plunder.

Liak, in general.

Liam, or niam; to take up with the fingers. liâm, a reaping hook; sticky; a screen. liàm, to pinch. liãm, to remenber; to enshroud. liām, to recite from memory.

Liâng, cool; good; to deliberate. liáng, two; skilled. liãng, to estimate; clear.

Liap, a of small round classifier objects.

Liâu, fetters; a hut; a compainon. liáu, finished. liãu, to gallop. liāu, to estimate.

Liauh, slipshod.

Liê, to trim off.

Lieh, to endure. lie̍h, in general; cold.

Liên, to commiserate; to connect. lién, reputation. liēn, to practice.