Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/162

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Lie̍t, to arrange; impetuous.

Lih, the footstalk of a flower. li̍h, to tear open, or apart.

Lîm, to descend; a forest; the eaves. līm, to hold in the hand.

Lîn, near; damask. lín, a wheel.

Lip, at the point of. li̍p, established.

Lit, stretched at full length.

Liu, to slip. liû, to go from place to place. liú, the willow; to scoop out. liù, a whirlpool. liū, to strangle, as with a cord.

Lo, straight; balmy. lô, a gong; a mule; turbid. ló, sorrowful; careless.

Lo̍h, to fall.

Lôi, to plow. lói, manners or etiquette. lòi, to assault. lōi, a skimmer used by cooks.

Lo̍ih, a bamboo hat.

Lok, wet with rain; to rattle. lo̍k, to record; salary; a chart.

Lõm, confused sound.

Long, a ical bell. lông, thick, as liquids; abundant. lóng, to assemble or collect. lòng, globular. lõng, to trifle with.

Lop, water thick with mud.

Lôu, a furnace. lóu, to hate. lòu, to disclose.

lõu, to pickle. lōu, the dew.

Lu, a hummock. lû, to take captives; the skull. lú, reiterated; stupid. lũ, to bribe.

Lûa, a kind of basket. lūa, to falsely accuse.

Luah, to scorch. lua̍h, peppery; to smooth.

Luân, the peaks of a hill; imperial. luán, a pleaseant warmth. luãn, confusion. luān, to love ardently.

Luat, insignificant.

Lut, to gulp down.

Lûi, thunder; to grind in a mortar. lúi, to classify; a rampart. lùi, small pimples. lũi, to weep. lūi, class or species.

Lun, short. lûn, a wheel; lost in perdition. lún, to restrain passion. lũn, to discourse upon. lūn, to trample upon; a treatise.

Lut, to slip out; lopped off. lu̍t, a fixed law.

Lṳ, a small iron shovel. lṳ̂, an ass. lṳ́, you. lṳ̀, to burnish. lṳ̃, anxious or troubled about.

Ḿ, an elderly woman. m̃, will not. m̄, an adverb of negation.