Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/163

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Ma, a waiting woman. má, grand mother.

Mâiⁿ, to bury. màiⁿ, do not, or do not want. mãiⁿ, to wax old.

Ma̍k, the eye; to spot.

Mán, to pull. mān, slow.

Mâng, hurried; fierce. máng, mosquitoes. mãng, a net. māng, to dream.

Mau, to wrap. mâu, rank grass; a spear. mãu, mien; to contract work.

Mauh, fo sell in the lot.

Mêⁿ, blindness; night. méⁿ, quick; fierce. mēⁿ, to scold.

Meh, to bleat. me̍h, the pulse.

Mêng, clear. méng, stern, mẽng, commands; Mencius.

Miⁿ, closed eyes. mîⁿ, the cotton plant; to delude. mĩⁿ, to flatter; a riddle. mīⁿ, wheat flour.

Miâⁿ, a name.

Miáuⁿ, obscure; vast. miãuⁿ, mysterious.

Mién, no need of; to commiserate; to force.

Mih, what?

Mîn, the people. mín, no need of.

mīn, the countenanc.

Mit, to destroy.

Mn̂g, a door, or gate. mńg, evening. mn̄g, to enquire.

Moⁿ, ferns. môⁿ, hair or feathers; a devil. móⁿ, not good. mõⁿ, a tomb. mōⁿ, to hope, or expect.

Mo̍h, a film.

Mo̍k, harmony; a shepherd; alone.

Mông, a device; dim sighted; to touch. móng, certain, as a certain person. mòng, to barter. mõng, luxuriant.

Mouⁿ, used for mong in some cases.

Muaⁿ, a shawl. mûaⁿ, hemp; to deceive. mùaⁿ, to-morrow.

Muãn, a kind of curtain.

Muat, the end.

Mûeⁿ, measles; congee. múieⁿ, each. mũeⁿ obscure. mūeⁿ, younger sister.

Mue̍h, a thing; to handle.

Mûiⁿ, small. múiⁿ, beautiful.

Mut, the corners of the mouth. mu̍t, an epidemic; to perish.

Nâ, bailed baskets; a forest. ná, to lay hold of; a question mark. nã, to scorch. nā, a bamboo cable.