Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/164

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Nah, filthy.

Nái, a lady of position. nài, to blush. nãi, to endure; to rely upon; a plum.

Nak, to seize with claws; to knead.

Nam, the same as lam.

Nán, we, including the hearer.

Nâng, a man, or mankind.

Nap, mellow or soft. na̍p, to receive; assent or approval.

Náuⁿ, anger; the brain. nãuⁿ, to make a disturbance.

Nêⁿ, to hang clothes on a line. néⁿ, cold. nẽⁿ, an intensifying particle.

Ne̍h, dilatory.

Ne̍k, flesh; to suffocate.

Neng, same as leng.

Niⁿ, to carry in the hand. nîⁿ, a year; woolen cloth; viscid juice. níⁿ, to dye. nĩⁿ, milk.

Niá, a collar; the side of a mountain. nià, facing towards. niã, the nape.

Niam, same as liam.

Niap, to lay folds. nia̍p, to pinch; to run a seam.

Niau, to tickle. niàu, to wrinkle.

Niauh, to squirm.

Niêⁿ, a female; to measure.

niéⁿ, a tael. niēⁿ, to yield.

Nien, same as lien.

Nih, to wink; to walk softly.

Nín, you, plural form.

Niúⁿ, a button. niũⁿ, to mislead.

Nn̂g, a gentleman. nńg, females; soft. nñg, eggs.

Nóⁿ, timid; to exert strenath. nõⁿ, two. nōⁿ, anger; a particle denoting certainty.

Noh, sudden lameness.

Nôiⁿ, the lotus; the lichi. nòiⁿ, solid. nōiⁿ, to grind down, as with the heel.

Nôuⁿ, a child; a slave.

Nûaⁿ, to hinder. nũaⁿ, saliva. nūaⁿ, corrupted.

Nuan, same as luan.

Núe, hunger.

Nueh, to pick up with the fingers.

Nui, same as lui.

Nu̍t, slow of speech.

Ng, rice plants for transplanting n̂g, yellow; the citron. ńg, a sleeve.

Ngà, foolish. ngā, robust; to snarl, as dogs.

Ngâi, to persist. ngãi, a bank or shore.