Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/165

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Ngaih, to endure hardship.

Nga̍k, the crocodile; a wife's parents.

Ngâm, a precipice. ngám, a mortise.

Ngân, chilly; a word. ngán, the eye. ngàn, to temper.

Ngau, dissatisfied. ngâu, to simmer.

Ngauh, to make sport.

Ngẽ, stiff.

Nge̍k, to resist.

Ngêng, to meet.

Ngî, fit and right; decorum. ngí, to determine. ngī, righteousness.

Ngiá, handsome; elegant.

Ngia̍k, cruel; evils.

Ngiâm, stern. ngiám, of commanding presence. ngiām, to examine officially.

Ngiáng, to look upward.

Ngia̍p, an occupation.

Ngiau, a cat; grappling irons.

Ngiên, to search into carefully.

Ngiet, to gnaw.

Ngîm, to sing.

Ngô, stupid; a nook. ngõ, to meet; to arouse.

Ngo̍h, mental imbecility.

Ngoi, to triturate.

Ngoih, to gnash the teeth.

Ngōng, clownish.

Ngóu, disobedient; a squad of men. ngõu, five; 11 A.M. to 1 P.M.

Ngûan, a fountain; the first cause. ngúan, mulish ngũan, to desire. ngūan, a vow.

Ngûi, dangerous. ngūi, false.

Ngṳ̂n, silver.

Ngṳt, even or till. ngṳ̍t, to endure.

O, a ridge, or bank; to shelter thieves. ô, oysters. ò, a bay. õ, to recline. ō, oh!

Oh, difficult; to eructate. o̍h, to learn; to narrate.

Oi, to crowd. ôi, shoes. ói, short of stature. òi, to force one’s way. õi, able.

Oiⁿ, to delay. ôiⁿ, leisure.

Oi̍h, narrow.

Ok, a dwelling.

Ong, to slap; an old man. õng, to jolt a baby.

Op, to live on another.

Ou, black. ôu, a lake; a round shallow basket. ōu, the taro.

Pa, a father. pá, satisfied, or full; a target. pà, the leopard. pã, to suffice; to assume a false name.