Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/166

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Pâi, a shield; a raft; to arrange. pái, to spread out. pài, to worship. pāi, to destroy.

Pak, north; to strip off; a string of. pa̍k, to bind.

Pân, a pitcher or ewer. pán, a small boat.

Pang, a board; to fall away. pâng, a room. pàng, to loosen. pãng, to slander.

Pat, to know; sign of past tense.

Pau, to wrap up. páu, to protect. pãu, violent.

Pauh, pimples; to sprout.

Pê, a rake; to creep; to scratch. pé, a bundle. pẽ, a father.

Peⁿ, to break apart. pêⁿ, level; a scaffold. péⁿ, to guard. pèⁿ, a handle. pēⁿ, sickness.

Peh, one hundred; to open; to climb. pe̍h, white.

Pek, earnest; to urge.

Pêng, to trust to. péng, to uphold. pẽng, and.

Pi, stone tablets; to put on a binding. pî, the spleen. pí, that, or those; to compare. pì, to carry on the back; the arm. pĩ, to prepare; to shade. pī, to escape.

Piⁿ, the cue; the margin; a whip. pìⁿ, to transform. pĩⁿ, to braid.

Piaⁿ, a soldier; ice. piâⁿ, to repeat what one has heard. piáⁿ, cake.

Piah, a partition wall.

Piak, to throb. pia̍k, to manipulate

Piang, to cuff. piàng, to rap.

Piau, to make known.

Pie, a banner. piè, to mount scrolls; to bleach.

Pien, a boundary. pién, thin. pièn, to transform. piẽn, to dispute; convenient.

Pie̍t, to separate.

Pih, a turtle.

Pin, a beach. pín, a petition; series. pìn, everywhere. pīn, to reach to; ready.

Pit, a pen; certainly. pi̍t, to finish. ‘i

Piu, to gush out.

Piuh, to germinate. piu̍h, to thrust in.

Pńg, one’s own. pn̄g, cooked rice.

Po, glass; a slope.

Poh, to dispute. po̍h, thin; poor; a weir.