Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/167

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Poi, a screw-driver; side of mouth.

Poiⁿ, spotted, or pitted. pôiⁿ, border; or side. póiⁿ, printing blocks, or type; to turn.

Poih, eight. po̍ih, to pull out.

Po̍k, a slave.

Pòng, to burst. põng, luxuriant.

Pou, a level space; a port. póu, a maze; to mend; dried meats. pòu, cloth; to transplant. pōu. a step; to chew.

Pu, to kick. pû, to boil; a gourd. pù, wealthy. pũ, to capture. pū, to brood.

Pùa, to scatter abroad; to winnow.

Puaⁿ, to transport. pûaⁿ, a plate; to remove. pùaⁿ, one half. pũaⁿ, to off.

Puah, a glazed earthen dish. pua̍h, to gamble; to fall.

Puãn, to revolt.

Pua̍t, to elevate.

Pue, to fly; a cup; divining blocks. pûe, to indemnify. púe, to flutter about. pùe, the back; precious. pũe, contrary to; fold, as “two-fold, ten-fold.” pūe, to dry by the fire.

Pueh, to revile.

Pu̍h, to thrust; flabby.

Pui, to commiserate. pûi, fat. pùi, prickly heat. pūi, to bark.

Pun, to divide; to give. pûn, to blow with the mouth. pún, one’s own. pūn, manure.

Put, to fill a basket with earth; not.

Pha, a bladder. phã, a blister.

Phaⁿ, to fear. phàⁿ, spongy.

Phah, to beat.

Phái, evil. phài, a branch of a family.

Phak, to lie with the face down. pha̍k, to dry in the sun.

Phàn, to look lovingly on.

Phang, fragrant; a bee, or wasp. phâng, a sail; bamboo mats. pháng, to spin. phàng, a button loop. phāng, a crack or fissure.

Phau, to abandon. phâu, a long-robe; to rage. pháu, to run. phàu, a large gun.

Phè, a kerchief. phẽ, long robes.

Phêⁿ, even.

Pheh, to flit.

Phek, amber; to open up.

Pheng, to decoct for food.