Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/168

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phêng, peaceful; friends.

Phî, fatigue; the temper. phí, to despise; a scab. phì, to compare.

Phiⁿ, selfish. phīⁿ, the nose; to smell.

Phiaⁿ, the sides; to throw down. phiâⁿ, a level tract. phiàⁿ, a dower.

Phiah, mean; a propensity. phia̍h, neglected or unused.

Phiak, to whisk.

Phiau, a notice; to drift. phiâu, lewd.

Phiê, duck weed; the tender blade of plants. phiè, a warrant. phiẽ, fish bladders.

Phien, a section or leaf of « book. phièn, to deceive; a section of an orange.

Phiet, the sound of a falling object.

Phih, to fall flat.

Phîn, poor; to impinge. phín, grade; to censure.

Phit, to match or mate.

Phiu, to slip out of.

Phó, somewhat. phô, an old woman. phõ, to hold in the arms.

Phoh, to cleave.

Phoi, to pare off; to reply officially.

Phoiⁿ, tares.

Phok, sincere; bulging. pho̍k, to spy.

Phông, disheveled; a booth. phóng, to grasp with both hands. phòng, to pop; shaggy.

Phou, to spread out; bran. phóu, every where; a list. phòu, ten li, about 3.5 miles; a shop. phõu, a memorandum book.

Phû, to float.

Phûa, an old woman. phùa, to break; to split.

Phùaⁿ, a verdict. phũaⁿ, a comrade.

Phuah, to fan; a stroke in writing.

Phûan, to coil around. phùan, to judge.

Phuat, self-willed.

Phue, unbaked clay utensils. phûe, skin, or rind. phùe, a mate; condiments. phũe, a blanket or quilt.

Phueh, to chat; froth.

Phuh, weak in influence.

Phùi, to spit.

Phun, to run. phûn, a basin; a tomb. phún, to cleave. phùn, to spatter.

Sà, to kill; irregular teeth.

Saⁿ, three; a jacket.

Sah, to catch in the hand.

Sai, west; the lion; to pour out; private; a master work man. sái, to send; excrement; to sail.