Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/169

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sài, a husband; a messenger. sãi, the persimmon. sāi, to set up and worship.

Sak, to push a boat over the mud.

Sam, three; the sam tree. sám, to sprinkle with powder. sàm, drizzling rain.

San, rust. sán, lean.

Sang, a pair; lax. sàng, to accompany.

Sap, filthy; to cut up fine.

Sat, a louse.

Sàu, a cough; to sweep.

Se, a little; gauze.

Seⁿ, to produce; cast iron; manner. séⁿ, a province. sèⁿ, natural disposition; surname.

Seh, to sprinkle salt.

Sek, color; experienced; to unloose. se̍k, ripe, or cooked.

Seng, to rise; a Chinese quart. sêng, to accomplish; to multiply. sẽng, abundant.

Si, poetry; a corpse; silk; to bestow. sî, to refuse; a spoon; time. sí, to die; the beginning. sì, four; a generation; power. sĩ, to be, or is; to trust to. sī, to show; an oath.

Sìⁿ, a fan.

Sia, oblique. siâ, vicious; aslant. siá, to write; to abandon. sià, to relinquish; to forgive. siã, the tutelary deities. siā, to thank; to shoot as an arrow.

Siaⁿ, a sound. siâⁿ, a walled town. siàⁿ, holy. siāⁿ, a hamper.

Siah, pewter; to hew. sia̍h, a feast.

Siak, to regard.

Siam, ginseng; somber. siâm, Siam; the cicada. siám, to evade.

Siang, mutually; to wound. siâng, to examine and report upon. siàng, a minister of state. siãng, the superlative degree.

Siap,; stingy; stringent. sia̍p, to leak.

Siau, to melt; to seek for. siáu, crazy; small. siàu, to count; young. siãu, likeness.

Siauh, to whiz; colorless.

Sie, to burn; hot; mutually.

Sie, small.

Sieⁿ, a box; to wound. siêⁿ, to indemnify; to taste. siéⁿ, to reward. sièⁿ, an image. siẽⁿ, to think.

Sieh, to love. sie̍h, ordinary; a ladle.

Sien, genti. sién, ringworm. siẽn, good from principle; the kidneys.

Siet, to establish; to profane.

Sih, to flash. si̍h, to consume away.