Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/35

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Interrogation is denoted by tî, who? what? which? tî-tiâng, who? whom? tî-kâi, which one? which? tî-kò, where? whence? mih, which? mih-kâi, which one? what? mih-nâng, which person? sĩ-mih, which? chò; chò-nî, how? why? chãi; hô, how? jie̍h, how much? how many? (applied to quantity and dimensions).

The particles mō, mē, and nē, at the end of sentences make them interrogative; also such words as būe, bô, and m̄ serve the same purpose.

The word kâi so constantly used in questions is in itself a classifier, but is easily made to do the work of a demonstrative pronoun, as is true, also, of other classifiers.

chí sĩ sĩ-mih-mue̍h,
what thing is this?
m̄-chai sĩ sĩ-mih-mue̍h,
I do not know what it is.
chí-kâi sĩ che̍k-pau-ie̍h,
this is a paper of medicine.
chí-kâi sĩ ba̍k-chúi,
this is ink.
chí sĩ sĩ-mih-kâi,
what is this?
chí-kâi sĩ siá-jī kâi khì-kũ,
these are writing materials.
chí-kâi sĩ thit-thô-mue̍h,
these are curiosities.
chí-kâi kiè-chò sĩ-mue̍h,
what do you call this thing?
chiá kiè-chò sĩ-mue̍h,
what do you call this thing?
chí-kâi kiè-chò sõng-íⁿ,
this is called a rocking chair.
chí-kâi kiè-chò chhoiⁿ-lí-kiàⁿ,
this is called a telescope.
kâi sĩ-mue̍h,
what is this?
kâi sĩ chûn--ēng-kâi,
this is something used on the boat.
ũ sĩ-mih ì-sṳ̀,
what’s the idea?
m̄-chai sĩ-mih ì-sṳ̀,
I don’t know what the idea is.
õ, ì-sṳ̀ sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
O, the idea is this.
i lâi mih-sṳ̄,
what business has he come on?
i-lâi bô-mih-sṳ̄,
he has not come on any business.
i-lâi tàⁿ-ūe,
he has come to speak (to somebody).
i-lâi chhūe chhin-nâng,
he has come to hunt a relative.
i-lâi lí pa̍t-nâng kâi-sṳ̄,
he has come on business for somebody else.
i-lâi bōi-mue̍h,
he has come to sell something.
i-sĩ tõ-chí khiã-khí a-m̄-sĩ,
does he live here?
i-bô tõ-chí khiã-khí,
he does not live here.
i put-kùe sĩ-lâi chò khang-khùe,
he only came to do work.
i-sĩ lâi-chò seng-lí,
he has come to do business.