Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/36

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lṳ́ bōi sĩ-mih-mue̍h?
what are you selling?
uá sĩ bōi-tê-liāu,
I am selling confectionary.
ũ-pa̍t-miâ hó-kiè a-bô?
is there any other way of naming it?
ũ-pa̍t-miâ hó-kiè,
yes, there is another way.
chí sĩ tî-tiâng-kâi?
whose is this?
chí sĩ sin-seⁿ--kâi,
this is the teacher’s.
chí sĩ thâu-ke--kâi,
this is Master’s.
chí sĩ chèng-nâng--kâi,
this belongs to the public.
chí sĩ tî-nâng-kâi?
this belongs to which person?
sĩ-so̍k hṳ́-chiàⁿ-lâi kâi-nâng,
it belongs to the man who just came.
kâi tî-tiâng,
who is that?
who comes?
who is there?
who said it?
who went?
who calls?
tõ tî-sî-lâi,
when did he come?
chá-ji̍t lâi,
came yesterday.
came a long time ago.
came this morning.
lṳ́ khiã-khí tî-kò,
where do you live?
khiã-khí tõ Hú-siâⁿ,
live at the Hu city.
khiã-khí tõ-hâng,
lives in the hong.
khiã-khí tõ-kūiⁿ--téng,
lives at the District city.
nín tî-kòp-húe,
ye are of what place?
uán sĩ Gô-chhân--húe,
we are Go-chhan people.
ún sĩ-hieⁿ-ẽ kâi,
we are from a country village-(depreciating).
ún sĩ-lãi-tī kâi-nâng,
we are from the Interior.
lṳ́ khṳ̀-tî-kò,
where are you going?
I go to buy something.
uá khṳ̀ chò-khang-khùe,
I go to do work.
uá khṳ̀-thó-chîⁿ,
I am going to collect cash.
uá khṳ̀ thó-siàu-ba̍k,
I am going to collect an account.
uá khṳ̀-táu-chîⁿ,
I am going to exchange (dollars) for cash.
i kàu-tî-kò,
to where has he reached? How far has he gone?
i kàu Phàu-thâi--liáu,
he has got as far as Phau-Thai.