Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/46

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The Article.

the round one. sì-pang--kâi, the square one.
saⁿ-kak-hĩⁿ kâi,
the three cornered one.
sĩ chhēng-tn̂g-saⁿ kâi,
it is the one wearing a long gown.
sĩ tì-kûe-lo̍ih kâi,
it is the one who has on a bamboo hat.
sĩ chiàⁿ-ji̍p--kâi,
it is the one who has just entered.
sĩ hṳ́ àiⁿ-chhut-mn̂g kâi,
it is that one about to go out at the door.
ũ-kái-nâng chõ tõ-íⁿ,
there is a man sitting in the chair.
tõ-íⁿ chõ-ũ kâi-nâng,
in the chair sitting there is a man.
tõ-íⁿ chõ--kâi-nâng,
the man sitting in the chair.
i-nâng chõ-tõ-íⁿ,
he, the man, was sitting in the chair.
nâng ũ-poiⁿ-mīn,
the man had a pitted face.
ũ-poiⁿ-mīn nâng,
a man with a pitted face.
poiⁿ-mīn-nâng tàⁿ,
the man with a pitted face said.
biē-chôiⁿ ũ sêng-chhiū,
before the temple there was a banyan tree.
biē-chôiⁿ kâi-sêng-chhiū,
the banyan which was before the temple.
i sĩ siá-jī kâi,
he is a writer.
siá-jī--kâi chiũ-sĩ chí-kâi,
this is the one that is the writer.
chiá m̄-sĩ, hṳ́ iā-m̄-sĩ,
this is not (the one), and that also is not (the one).
thâng-chá lâi bōi-hṳ̂--kâi sĩ lṳ́ mē?
the one that came a while ago to sell fish, was it you.
úa chiũ-sĩ,
I am (the one).
phah-mn̂g--kâi chiũ-sĩ chí-kâi ā?
the one that knocked at the door, is this he, eh?
m̄-sĩ chí-kâi ā,
it was not this one (said doubtingly).
gû-chú sĩ tî-tiâng?
who is the owner of the ox?
gû-chú kâi-miâⁿ kiè-chò A-sam,
the owner of the cow, his name is called A Sam.
póu-ôi kâi-nâng lâi,
the (or a) shoemaker has come.
cha-ji̍t lâi chò-ôi--kâi tõ-mn̂g-gūa,
the shoemaker who came yesterday, is outside the door.
ta̍t-chîⁿ--kâi sĩ chí-kâi,
the valuable one is this one.
siãng-chhiet-iàu sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
the most important (thing) is thus and so.
i só-khí kâi-chhù sĩ chhâ--chò-kâi,
the house which he built is a wooden one.