Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/47

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Prepositions and equivalents.

at home.
i tõ-choh khang-khùe,
he is at (doing) work.
i tõ-hièⁿ-pôiⁿ,
he is at the other side.
i tõ-chṳ-che,
he is at the school.
tõ-chia̍h ji̍t-tàu-pn̄g kâi sî-hāu,
at the time of eating the noon rice (dinner time).
on there.
tõ tû-téng--kò,
on the top of the cupboard.
tõ hái-mīn,
on the sea. tõ tī-chiēⁿ, on the globe.
tõ mîn-chhn̂g-téng,
on the bed.
tõ thâu-téng phûan-thâu-pòu,
on his head was wound a turban.
tõ chûn-téng ũ chōi-chōi-nâng,
on the boat there were many people.
tõ lōu-chiēⁿ chiũ ngõ--tie̍h i,
on the road I met him.
in. i ji̍p-lãi, he entered in. tõ i-lãi, in.
lãi ũ sin-seⁿ hó-mn̄g,
within is a teacher (of whom you) may inquire.
lãi ũ sĩ-mih-mue̍h bô?
within is there anything or not?
àng-tói ũ-chúi,
in the jar is water.
To—i khṳ́ Ē-mn̂g,
he has gone (to) Amoy.
i ji̍p-lãi-tī,
he has gone (to) the country.
àiⁿ-khṳ̀ tî-kò?
wants to go (to) where?
up to this (time or place).
chò-mih-sṳ̄ khṳt-i?
he did what to him?
tùi-i tàⁿ,
said to him.
saⁿ, khie̍h-hôiⁿ--i,
the jacket, take and give it to him.
of (see Possessive Case).
Beyond—Thêng-hái kùe-khṳ̀,
beyond Theng-hai.
beyond the boundary.
beyond the kingdom. kùe-sî, beyond the time.
beyond what pertains to him.
kùe-úa só-siẽⁿ,
beyond what I supposed.
Jit-pńg-kok kùe-khṳ́ chiũ-sĩ hái,
beyond Japan it is ocean.
chōi-kùe i só-hun-hù,
beyond what he enjoined.
adjoining each other.
nõ-koiⁿ chhù-ãu sie-tú,
the backs of the two houses touch each other.