Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/49

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Lesson XV

And— íⁿ-ki̍p, pẽng, kah, kũa.
kaⁿ íⁿ-ki̍p keng-chie kāng-chîⁿ saⁿ-peh-chîⁿ,
oranges and bananas together were three-hundred cash.
che̍k-kâi-ngṳ̂n pẽng-chîⁿ sì-sek,
a dollar and forty cents.
bói-gô kah-chiah-koi,
buy a goose and a fowl.
i bōi che̍k-bóu-chhân kah-kũa che̍k-kò-hn̂g,
he sold an acre of watered land and a piece of unwatered.
Also—iā-ũ iā-bô,
also have, also have not.
õ, lṳ́ iā-tàⁿ i-kâi-ūe,
O, you also are talking his words.
nâng gō-sí, cheng-seⁿ iā-gō-sí,
the men starve to death and the stock also starve to death.
As, so—chhin-chhiẽⁿ, jû, pêng, àn.
jû-lṳ́ só-tàⁿ,
as you say.
pêng-lṳ́ só-tàⁿ,
as you say.
chò-sṳ̄ jû-siêⁿ,
(he) acts as he always does.
ji̍t che̍k-ē-lo̍h uá chiũ-ji̍p-siâⁿ,
as the sun set I entered the city.
àn-lṳ́ só-chò che̍k-iēⁿ,
the same as you do.
Because—uân-in, in-tì, in-ũi-tie̍h.
uân-in hièⁿ-kú bô-hõu,
because for so long there was no rain.
in-tì nõⁿ-nâng bô-hûa-mo̍k,
because the two men were not at peace.
in-ũi-tie̍h si̍h-pńg,
because he lost his capital.
uân-in chò-nî,
because of what? Why so?
Both—liáng-kâi, jī-ke.
liáng-kâi chhou-chhou,
both are coarse.
jī-ke sie-mēⁿ,
both are quarrelling.
nõ-nâng pêⁿ-pêⁿ-jiáng,
the two men were alike wrangling.
pí-chhṳ́ tie̍h-sūn kui-kṳ́,
both must follow the custom.
If—a-sĩ, jia̍k-sĩ, tiāⁿ-sĩ, nāⁿ-sĩ.
mn̂g a-sĩ bô-khui chiũ-hó tńg--lâi,
the door, if it is not open, then you may come back.
a-sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
if it is like that.
jia̍k-sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
if it is like that.
tiāⁿ-sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
if certainly so.
nãⁿ-sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
if it is so.