Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/50

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Whether, or—a, ho̍k, ho̍k-chiá.
lṳ́ nāⁿ-chí thóiⁿ-ũ a-bô,
you stay here and see (whether) they have or not.
i bô-lâi,
m̄-chai i sĩ-pēⁿ a-sĩ m̄-ôiⁿ, he does not come, I don't know whether he is ill, or whether he hasn’t leisure.
ho̍k-bô, bô-chhiet-iàu, whether he has or not is of no consequence.
bô-lũn sĩ-ta-pou chṳ-niêⁿ,
no matter whether man or woman.
m̄-kuán-i sĩ-tōa a-sĩ-sòi,
no matter whether it is large or small.
But, although—sui-sĩ, sui-jiên, tãn-sĩ, chóng-sĩ.
sui-jiên-sĩ uá m̄-káⁿ siang-sìn--i,
but although it is so I dare not believe him.
tãn-sĩ ũi-hõu mài-khṳ̀,
but if it rains don’t go.
chóng-sĩ chí-kâi-sṳ̄ uá chò-m̄-pat tò-khṳ̀,
but this business is something I don’t know how to do, (or, never did).
huân-liáu-ũ, yet there are (more).
not yet have.
still yet they have not.
huân-liáu būe-ũ-nâng-lâi,
and still yet no one has come.
Therefore—kù-chhṳ́, só-íⁿ, só-íⁿ-chiá.
Than—nî-hùe chōi-kùe-i,
years more than his.
iàⁿ-kùe-i; kiêⁿ-kùe-i,
better than he.
Lest—khióng-phàⁿ, khióng-ùi, kiaⁿ-ùi.
On the contrary—i bô-sie-hũ, tin-tò chó-chí,
he did not assist, on the contrary he hindered.
Except—tṳ̂-tiāu chí-che̍k-kiãⁿ, uá chiũ káⁿ-tam-sêng--i,
excepting this one thing, I can venture to be security for him.
Then, thereupon—chiũ; jiên-ãu.
after that.
buah-hún chiũ-õi-ngiá,
rub on powder and then it will be beautiful.
chhiù-sua chiũ-õi-pe̍h,
scour it with sand and then it can be white.
kàu-hṳ́-chôiⁿ kâi-hieⁿ-lí chiũ-sĩ,
when you reach that village before you, then it is (the matter spoken of).
bô-o̍h chiũ-bõi,
(if you) don’t learn, then you can’t.
liēn-kùe chiũ-õi,
when you have practised it then you can.