Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/54

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go (mildly).
khṳ̀ nō-ō-ō,
get you gone.
Hist, hark,—ss, ist,
(àiⁿ-kiè-nâng tiām-tiām, when you want to tell some one to be still. or, àiⁿ hàm-nâng cháu-khui, want to tell him to stand off.
lṳ́ chhiáⁿ-sù--úa,
I beg you to indulge me, i.e. hear me.
hiaⁿ-tĩ lṳ́ chhiáⁿ-thiaⁿ úa-tàⁿ,
brethren please to hear me speak.
lṳ́ chhiáⁿ-tiām thãi úa-tàⁿ,
you please be quiet until I speak.
iông uá-tàⁿ,
allow me to state.
(àiⁿ-hàm-nâng chiũ ēng chí-kâi siaⁿ-búe, if you want to call people use this vocal ending.—nâng a-sĩ hñg-hñg im chiũ khan tn̂g-tn̂g, the man if he is far away, the tone must be drawn out long).
chûn ou-ou-ôi,
Halloo, the boat.
A-sam ou-ou-ôi,
Halloo, A Sam.
thâu-mīn-chôiⁿ kâi-nâng ā,
Halloo, you man ahead there.
Lo, behold,—ñg, ã, ũa, ẽⁿ,
(ngõ-tie̍h m̄-pat thóiⁿ-kìⁿ kâi chiũ-ēng chí-kâi, when you meet with something you havn’t seen (unexpected), then you may use these).
ã, sĩ-lṳ́,
behold, you have come.
úa khṳ̀-chhūe, ñg, bô-tõ,
I went to look for it, and behold, it was not there.
ũa, lṳ́ tõ-chí-ā,
lo, here you are.
ō, lṳ́ tàⁿ chí--kù úa mêng-pe̍h,
oh, when you say that, I understand.
ō, úa mêng-pe̍h,
oh, I understand.
ō, sĩ àn-chièⁿ-seⁿ, ā,
oh, the matter is like that, is it,
O,—ō, ā,
Iⁿ-sek-lie̍t nâng, o,
O, Israel.
chèng-ūi hiaⁿ-tĩ, ā,
O, ye brethren all.
Pshaw,—tshṳ́, chhiá lṳ-lṳ-lṳ,
tshṳ́, chièⁿ-seⁿ kâi-ūe,
pshaw, on such words as that.
tshṳ́, chièⁿ-seⁿ kâi-nâng, bô-tõ-lí-chãi,
nonsense, on such a man, he is utterly wanting in reason.
Heigho,—ái-à, õi-ōu,
ái-ã. m̄-hó. heigho,
that’s not proper.
ái-ã. chhiú mài-thãng,
heigho, don’t touch it.