Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/55

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Alas—ái-ã; hái-ã.
(nāⁿ-sĩ kìⁿ-tie̍h iu-būn kiaⁿ-hãi--kâi chiũ-hó ēng-chí-kâi-ūe, if you meet with anything sad or frightful then use these words).
lân-nãi, ō,
hard to bear.
kan-khóu-chãi, ā,
very hard.
chhi-chhám, ā,
most woful.
uá chhám, ā,
alas, for me.
Hum—m̄, hēⁿ, (ũ-sî gî--kâi-ì,
sometimes expresses doubt).
Ah, indeed—ñg; āu.
āu, āu, ka-lau̍h-liáu,
there, there now, you’ve dropped it.
O then, that being so—hiá--li; húai.
hiá li-i: a-sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
O then, if that’s the way it is,
hiá li, mài-khṳ̀ kèng-hó,
O then, it would be better not to go.
húai, chièⁿ-seⁿ m̄-káⁿ-khṳ̀,
that being so, I dare not go. (This word li is constantly used to give emphasis, and serves as an exclamation point)
O, I don’t know.
assuredly so.
Look out—ā.
nâng--ā, nâng--ā, kiâⁿ-che̍k-pôiⁿ,
look out man, walk one side.
nâng--ā, chai-kuan, mài-chūang--tie̍h,
halloo, man, take care, don’t run against it.
Ugh—ĩ--hĩ; ṳ̃; ẽ.
(hán--tit thóiⁿ-kìⁿ, ho̍k hut-jiên-lâi--kâi, ho̍k chhi-gî kâi-sṳ̄ chiũ-hó ēng-chí-kâi, you may use this concerning something rarely seen, or unexpectedly coming, or very repulsive).
ĩ--hĩ, hiá chhi-gî-chãi, lā,
ugh, that is very repulsive.
Yes—hēⁿ; hēⁿ, nō; aū; sĩ; tie̍h.
Ho—ō; ā; hói.
(The latter is not a respectful way of calling, but is constantly heard in the markets).
hói, kiâⁿ-khui,
ho, step aside.
hói, mài-ji̍p--khṳ̀,
ho, don’t go in there.
(With the idea of strangeness).
Ridiculous, laughable—khó-chhiè; hó-chhiè.
Abominable—khó-ù; khó-lóu.
Pitiable—khó-sieh; khó-sieh-chãi.
Steady—ûn-ûn; kiâⁿ-ûn; ûn-ûn-kiâⁿ.
Be careful—chṳ́-sòi; khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ; khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ--nē.
Of course—chṳ̃-jiên; kúaⁿ-jiên.
No matter—bô-siang-kan; juãn; chhìn-chhái.