Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/69

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kiau chhó-chhiàng m̄-che̍k-iēⁿ,
not the same as (I) agreed for.
kiau-uá sṳ-niê--kâi sĩ-m̄-tùi,
it does not agree with what (I) bargained for.
Sentences illustrating the use of Adjectives.
i hûan-ló-chãi,
he is very sorry.
chí-kâi-saⁿ bô-mih chheng-khih,
this jacket is not at all clean.
chhù-lāi kng-kng,
inside the house it is well lighted.
thiⁿ-sî mông-mông,
the weather is very hazy.
i chò-sṳ̄ tham-thû,
he does things in a dilatory way.
i nâng nńg-jia̍k,
the man is feeble.
a-nôuⁿ-kiáⁿ iùⁿ-iùⁿ,
the child is very young.
i lãu-tōa khang-kiẽn-chãi,
the old gentleman is very vigorous.
chí-tiâu-lōu ti̍t-ti̍t,
this road is quite straight.
chí-tiâu-lōu oh-kiâⁿ-chãi,
this road is very hard to travel.
lâu, che̍k-ē-khó chúi chiũ-chhién-chhién,
when the tide is down the water is very shallow.
i kò-chiéⁿ mān-mān,
he rows very slowly.
ì-sṳ̀ hién-mêng,
the meaning is obvious.
tang-huang thàu-lâi ân-ân,
the east wind blows stiff.
huang chhue-lâi liâng-liâng,
the wind blows cool.
chí-hō-pēⁿ hong-hiám,
this kind of disease is dangerous.
chí-hō-pēⁿ oh-ui,
this kind of disease is hard to cure.
i chò-kâng la̍t-lo̍h,
he does work diligently.
greatly afraid,
i siũ-liáu tōa-tōa kan-khóu,
he has already eeeree great hardship.
tit-tie̍h tōa-tōa o-ló,
he received great praise.
tōa-tōa tit-nâng o-ló,
greatly was he praised by people.
ũ-tōa-siaⁿ jiáng khí-lâi,
great clamor arose.
lṳ́ lâi-tõ tãi-jiáng,
when you come there is a great noise.
ũ gâu-sin-seⁿ lâi-chí-kà,
a wise teacher came and gave instruction.
pó-pùe kâi-mue̍h-kiãⁿ,
valuable articles.
pháiⁿ-nâng m̄-hó-ji̍p,
let not bad people enter.
ke-húe tōa-bô-ēng,
the sons are very useless.
ragged clothes.