Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/85

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If had — would have.
chá-ji̍t i chai chí kâi sṳ̄ — i chiũ màiⁿ khṳ̀,
yesterday, if he had this, — he then would not have gone.
màiⁿ-tõ chí-hiah — chí-tsûn chiũ-kàu,
if we had not stopped here, — by this time we would have been there.
lṳ́ thâu-chá màiⁿ-chó-uá — chí-chûn chiũ chò-hó--liáu,
you, if you had not hindered me a while ago — it would have been done.
When — was.
i lâi tiâng-sî — uá tõ chia̍h,
when he came — I was eating.
uá ji̍p khṳ̀ — i tõ chõ,
when I entered — he was sitting.
Hi-lu̍t chò uâng kâi sî-hāu — Iâ-sou chhut-sì tõ Pek-lī-hêng,
when Herod was king — Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
Because — therefore.
uân-in i tàⁿ-màiⁿ — kù-chhṳ́ uá bōi khṳt pa̍t-nâng,
because he said he did not want it — therefore I sold it to another man.
uân-in lṳ́ bô-lâi — kù-chhṳ́ uá bô-tán,
because you did not come — therefore I did not wait.
uân-in bô-hīn-chîⁿ — uá khṳ̀-chhia,
because I had not ready cash — I bought on credit.
uân-in bô-ngṳ̂n — uá chiũ m̄-káⁿ-àiⁿ,
because I had not any money — I dare not wish for it.
uân-in hù m̄-tie̍h-chûn — kù-chhṳ́ uá kiâⁿ-lōu--lâi,
because I did not catch the boat — therefore I walked.
First — then.
m̄-sĩ ngóu-ngõ siẽⁿ tie̍h — chiũ-khṳ̀-chò,
he did not think of it by chance — and then go and do it.
i thâu-soiⁿ ṳ̃-pĩ hó liáu — ãu chhut khṳ̀ sie-thâi,
he first made all ready — and then went out to fight.
i soiⁿ pa-lói hó liáu — ãu chõ lo̍h khṳ̀-chia̍h,
he first made ready — and then sat down to eat.
Not only — but also.
put-to̍k i lah ka-kī kâi-saⁿ — iā-lah pa̍t-nâng--kâi,
he not only gathered up his own clothes — but also gathered up other people’s.
put-to̍k sĩ chí-tie̍h chí-kâi-nâng — iā chí-tie̍h hṳ́-hieⁿ-lí lóng-chóng nâng,
he referred not only to this one man — but he referred to every one in the village.