Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/86

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As — so.
jû-lṳ́ só-ieh—hó chièⁿ-seⁿ khṳ̀-chò,
as you have promised—so go and do.
jû-uá só-pān—kúaⁿ-jiên seⁿ-chhut-lâi,
as I conjectured—so it has turned out.
Although — yet.
uá sui-jiên sĩ-lṳ́ kâi-chú—huân-liáu sói-lṳ́ kâi-kha,
although I am your Master — yet I wash your feet.
pńg sui-jiên uá mién—jûi-sĩ uá kam-ngũan,
in itself although I do not need to do this — yet I am willing to do it.
thiⁿ-sî sui lo̍h-hõu—i huân-liáu káⁿ-khṳ̀,
although it is raining — yet, nevertheless, he dares to go.
pńg m̄-hó—chóng-sĩ chhìn-chhái,
of itself it is not proper — nevertheless, no matter.

The above are full forms, but they are constantly abbreviated. Indeed, the abbreviated forms are more frequently used than the full ones, e.g.

Uân-in i tàⁿ-màiⁿ—kù-chhṳ́ uá bōi-khṳt pa̍t-nâng,
may be abbreviated, i tàⁿ-màiⁿ—uá bōi-khṳt pa̍t-nâng, he said didn’t want — I sold to another manj.
Uân-in lṳ́ bô-lâi—kù-chhṳ́ uá bô-tán,
may become, lṳ́ bô-lâi—uá bô-tán, you not come — I not wait.
Uân-in bô-hiēn-chîⁿ—uá khṳ̀-chhia,
may be, bô-hiēn-chîⁿ—chhia, no cash — buy on credit.
Uân-in bô-ngṳ̂n—uá chiũ m̄-káⁿ-àiⁿ,
may be, bô-ngṳ̂n—m̄-ká-àiⁿ, no money — dare not wish for.
Uân-in hù-m̄-tie̍h chûn—kù-chhṳ́ uá kiâⁿ-lōu lâi,
may be, hù m̄-tie̍h-chûn—kiâⁿ-lōu, did not hit the boat — walked the road.
Thiⁿ-sî sui-sĩ lo̍h-hõu—i huân-liáu káⁿ-khṳ̀,
may be, thiⁿ-sî lo̍h-hõu—huân-káⁿ-khṳ̀, it rains — still he dares to go.
I soiⁿ pa-lói hó liáu—ãu lo̍h-khṳ̀-chia̍h,
may be, soiⁿ pa-lói—ãu lo̍h-chia̍h, first get ready — afterwards down eat.