Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/93

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Various Passive Forms.

The Passive Voice makes use of the following auxiliaries, singly or in combination,—pĩ; khṳt; khih; pun; kìⁿ; kùe; tiāu; liáu; tit; uân; and siũ. But the construction must be noted, as a change in the position of the noun would convert a passive into an active, and vice versa, thus, ngṳ̂n tit liáu, is passive and means, the money is gotten, but, tit liáu ngṳ̂n, is active and means, he got the money.

used up (as a garment).
rotted away (by age or weather).
eaten away (by worms).
washed away.
torn up (as a piece of cloth or paper).
thrown away.
thrown away
tossed away.
khṳt-nâng mue̍h-tiāu--liáu,
been destroyed by somebody.
khṳt sip-khì chhong-tiāu,
be spoiled by dampness.
chhù khí-hó--liáu,
the house is finished.
chúi taⁿ-hó--liáu,
the water is carried.
ēng uân--liáu,
all used up.
sṳ̄ chò-chiâⁿ--liáu,
the business is accomplished.
mue̍h-kiãⁿ piēn-piēn--liáu,
the things are all ready.
tõ sṳ́-kàm ũ chièⁿ-seⁿ kì,
in the records it is thus written.
mue̍h-kiãⁿ bô-ēng khṳ̀--liáu,
the thing is no longer of any use.
màiⁿ-pĩ sĩ-hui-sim só-cheh,
don’t be rebuked by your own conscience.
to be made ashamed.
chiang chí-kâi-nâng chò siáu-lí,
take this man and be ashamed, i.e. be ashamed of this man.
jia̍k ngõ-tie̍h hóuⁿ màiⁿ ũ-só-khî,
if you meet a tiger do not be surprised.
khṳt-nâng lūn--tie̍h tõ kha-ẽ,
be trampled under feet by people.
khṳ̀-thâi i, pĩ i tò-thâi,
he went to kill him and was himself killed.
pĩ Siàⁿ-lêng ín-chhūa,
led by the Holy Spirit.
khṳt-i kuang-phièn,
be deceived by him.
tī-hng khṳt-i chiãm-chiãm âⁿ--khṳ̀,
the country little by little was usurped by him.
chang-ie̍h khṳt-i-buah,
have medicine rubbed on him.