Page:Primary Lessons In Swatow Grammar.djvu/94

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khṳt-i khie̍h tie̍h,
was picked up by him.
pĩ te̍k-jîn chhiè,
to be laughed at by enemies.
siũ-nâng lêng-jo̍k,
to be dishonored by people.
siũ-nâng uáng-khut,
to be oppressed by people.
che̍k-sin khṳt-i phah-kàu àiⁿ-sí,
was by him beaten nearly to death.
lîn-kṳ̃n kâi-siâⁿ khṳt-i húiⁿ-tiāu,
the neighboring cities were by him overthrown.
bõi-khṳt-i iú-ho̍k--khṳ̀,
cannot be tempted by him.
huang chhue kùe, chúi liâng,
wind passing over water, is cold.
õi-tit-tng chí-kâi-sṳ̄,
can bear this responsibility.
kìⁿ-tie̍h-ji̍t chiũ-iêⁿ--khṳ̀,
when exposed to the sun it melts.
chih-tie̍h kuaⁿ-ìn sĩ-tõ sĩ-mih sî-hāu,
when did you receive the official seal?
lṳ́ kâi-sin chn̂g-kâi sĩ-pĩ-sieⁿ,
your whole body is wounded.
lṳ́ m̄-tàⁿ sĩ-khṳt-lṳ́ gōu--khṳ̀,
if you don't speak out it will be mismanaged through you.
chúi pĩ-nâng tò-tiāu liáu,
the water has been poured out by somebody.
chhiêⁿ pĩ-nâng tong-tiāu āu,
after the wall had been battered down by somebody.
lṳ́ màiⁿ-pĩ-nâng só-phièn,
don’t be deceived by any one.
khṳt-chóng-tok jīn-chò-kiáⁿ,
to be recognized by the Viceroy as a son.
that which has been received.
khṳt-un-mu̍t sí-tiāu chōi-chōi,
many were killed off by the pestilence.
khṳt-i lêng-jo̍k bô-ūe hó-ìn-tap.
when he was reviled he had no words wherewith to answer.
khṳt-lṳ́ khǹg-kà kàu-uá pùaⁿ-sim àiⁿ-khṳ̀,
am persuaded by you until I have half a mind to go.
kàu-tî-kò khṳt-i lia̍h--tie̍h,
at what place was he arrested by him?
lṳ́ kok-lãi kâi-siâⁿ-ip pĩ-chí-kâi-húe sie--khṳ̀,
the cities of your kingdom be burned with fire.
pĩ ĩ-pang-nâng só-hùi-huãi,
destroyed by the people of other provinces.
khṳt-kiàm só-sieⁿ,
wounded by the sword.
khṳt-húe nãⁿ--tie̍h,
scorched by the fire.
khióng-ùi kiau-ngãu in-ũi chōi-chōi mi̍t-sī khṳt-uá,
fearing lest I should be proud through the many revelations made to me.