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48° GEORGII III. Cap.149.
    £ s. d.

DECREE or Dismission made in or by the High Court of Chancery at Westminster

  0 3 0

And for every Sheet or Piece of Paper, on which the same shall be written, after the first, a further progressive Duty of

  0 1 6

DECREE or Dismission, made in or by the Court of Exchequer or the Court of the Duchy of Lancaster at Westminster, or in or by any of the Courts of the Great Sessions in Wales, or of the said Counties Palatine, or in or by any other Court of Equity whatsoever

  0 2 6

DEMURRER in any Court of Law

  0 0 1

DEMURRER in any Court of Equity

  0 5 0

DEPOSITIONS taken by virtue of a Commission out of any Court of Equity (except the Paper Drafts thereof before the same are engrossed)

  0 5 0

DEPOSITIONS in any Court of Equity, taken by the Examiner, or other proper Officer, and not by Commission

  0 0 4

DEPOSITIONS or Answers to any Interrogatories in any Court of Law

  0 0 4

EXCEPTIONS filed in any Court of Equity, or in any Matter of Bankruptcy or Lunacy

  0 5 0

EXEMPLIFICATION under the Seal of any Court of Law or Equity whatever, of any Record or Proceeding therein (except Exemplifications under the Great Seal charged in the First Part of this Schedule)

  3 0 0

GRANT of the Custody of the Person or Estate of any Lunatic

  2 0 0

INDENTURES or Chirograph of a Fine levied in any Court, for each Part or Indenture

  0 10 0

INQUISITION taken by or before any Sheriff or his Deputy, or by or before any Coroner, in any Action at Law

  0 10 0

INTERROGATORIES in any Court of Law

  0 5 0

INTERROGATORIES in any Court of Equity, or in any Matter of Bankruptcy or Lunacy

  0 5 0

JUDGMENT (not Interlocutory) signed by the Master of any Office, or his Deputy or Secondary, or by any Prothonotary, or his Secondary, Deputy, or Clerk, or by any ether Officer belonging to any of the Courts at Westminster, who is or shall be authorized to sign Judgments

  0 10 0

ORDER made in or by the High Court of Chancery at Westminster, or by the Lord High Chancellor, or the Lord Keeper or Commissioners of the Great Seal, sitting in Matters of Bankruptcy or Lunacy

  0 3 0

And for every Sheet or Piece of Paper on which the same shall be written, after the first, a further progressive Duty of

  0 1 6

ORDER made or given in or by the Court of Exchequer, or the Court of the Duchy of Lancaster, at Westminster, or in or by any of the Courts of the Great Sessions in Wales, or of the said Counties Palatine

  0 2 6