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48° GEORGII III. Cap.149.
    £ s. d.

ORDER made or given by any Judge of any of the Courts of Law at Westminster

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Except such as shall be made on the Application of any Prisoner or Insolvent Debtor; and except all Orders for the Delivery of the Particulars of a Plaintiff's Demand, or for staying Proceedings on Payment of Debt and Costs; and all Orders for Time to plead, reply, or rejoin, after the first Order for that Purpose.


PETITION in any Suit or Matter in any of the Courts of Equity at Westminster; and Petition to the Lord High Chancellor, or the Lord Keeper or Commissioners of the Great Seal, in any Matter of Bankruptcy or Lunacy

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PLEA in any Court of Law

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PLEA in any Court of Equity

  0 5 0

PLEADING of any Kind, in any Court of Law, not otherwise charged in this Schedule

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PLEADING of any Kind, in any Court of Equity, not otherwise charged in this schedule

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RECORD of Nisi Prius

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REJOINDER in any Court of Law

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REJOINDER in any Court of Equity

  0 5 0

REPLICATION in any Court of Law

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REPLICATION in any Court of Equity

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REPORT made by any Master of the High Court of Chancery, or by His Majesty's Remembrancer in the Court of Exchequer, or his Deputy

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RULE or Order, made or given in or by any of the Courts of Law at Westminster, which shall be issued or delivered out, by the Clerk of the Rules or other Officer, to the Party obtaining it

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And for the Entry of every such Rule or Order in the Book kept by the Clerk of the Rules or other Officer for that Purpose, whether written on One or more Sheets or Leaves

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RULES to plead and reply, and all other Rules, of any of the said Courts of Law at Westminster, not issued as above mentioned, but which shall be entered in the Books kept by the Clerk of the Rules or other Officer for that Purpose, for the Entry of every such Rule

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SUMMONS issued by any Judge of any of the Courts of Law at Westminster

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