Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/504

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to, for liis discoveries in vegetable impregnation, 173.

Brush, electric, 52, 55.

Brussels, variation of the magnetic de- clination and horizontal intensity at, 329.

Bunt (T. G.), description of a new tide-guage constructed by, 53.

, on tide observations made at

Bristol by, 73, 242.

Burnes (Sir A.), notice of the late, 413.

Butler (Dr. S., Bishop of Lichfield), notice of the late, 258.

Calculating machine, description of a, 243^ 362.

Calculi, on the decomposition and dis- integration of, 442.

Californias and Mexican coasts of the Pacific, geographical position of the principal points of the, 196.

Calotype pictures, method of obtaining, 312.

paper, preparation of, 312; its

use, 313 ; fixing process, 314.

Calorific rays in the solar spectrum, on the distribution of the, 209.

Calorific spectrum, account of a pro- cess for rendering it visible, 209.

Cambium, on the descent of the, in plants, 449.

Cai)e of Good Hope, meteorological observations at, 374, 380.

Cape Palmas, daily thermometrical observations at, 331.

Carbon and nitrogen, compound bodies, 472.

Carlini (Prof.), magnetic term obser- vations made at Milan, 280, 311.

, variation of the magnetic de- clination, horizontal intensity and inclination at Milan, 282, 294, 298, 329,362, 371, 435, 456, 462.

, observations on magnetic direc- tion and intensity made at Milan, 295, 298.

Carlisle (Sir A.), notice of the late, 260. Carpenter (Dr. W. B.) on the minute

structure of the skeletons of the In-

vertebrata, 435, 466, 467. Carson (Dr. J.) on the motion of the

blood, 140. Cartilage, articular, the non-vascu-

larity and peculiar uniform mode of

organization and nutrition of, 308. , fibro-, on the structure of, 309.

Cartilage, the elements of, compared with corpuscles of the blood, 324.

Cassini's (Dr.) theory of the astro- nomical refractions, 60.

Catton (Rev. Thomas), notice of the late, 94.

Cellular tissue, the elements of, com- pared with corpuscles of the blood, 324.

Cells, on the physiology of, 222, 279.

Cerebellum, an appendage to the brain rather than to the medulla oblon- gata and spinal nerves, 473.

Cervus, genus, on the blood-corpuscles of the, 199.

Chan trey (Sir F.) , notice of the late, 34 ] .

Chemical action of the rays of the solar spectrum on preparations of silver, &c., 205.

action, the source of power in the

voltaic pile, 200, 213; sufiiciency of, to produce voltaic currents, 215.

constitution of bodies which

undergo vinous fermentation, 149.

equivalents of certain bodies, on

the, 123.

history of archil and litmus, 233,


history of the compounds of pal- ladium and platinum, 379.

rays of light, on their application

to the purposes of pictorial repre- sentation, 131.

— ^ — theory of voltaic electricity, 201 ; contact theory, 200.

Children (J. G.), his retirement from the office of Secretary, 10.

Chinese lute, on the, 297.

Chlorates, conversion of into chlorides, applied to the determination of equi- valent numbers, 119.

Chlorides, conversion of into nitrates, applied to the determination of equi- valent numbers, 119.

Chlorine, the equivalent numbers of, 123.

, action of, on azolitmine and or-

ceine, 234.

, its action upon the ferrocyanate

of potassa, 239.

Chorda dorsalis, on the, 282.

Christie (S. H.) on the importance of a more accurate determination of the variation of the magnetic needle, and likewise of the dip and of the intensity of terrestrial mag- netism, 21.